
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Christmas Essays (1525 words) - Nicole Schmitz, Star Magic

Christmas 997......................... It is the start of a new year and I thought I would start a journal chronicling my daily experiences. Tonight we decided to go to the local F.O.P. lodge to a New Years Eve party. We had a pretty good time but what happened later that evening is something that I hope I dont forget for a long time to come. Still fresh in my mind was the conversation Angela and I had on Christmas night. She was hinting that she wasnt sure if she wanted to be in a serious relationship this soon after the breakup of her previous one. If that wasnt hard enough on Christmas she also was to ill to attend my brothers wedding with me in Madison Indiana . To add to all the confusion in my head, on my way home I stopped and got her a rose and a happy New Years balloon. She seemed quite touched by the gesture but also visibly troubled by it. I asked her if she was ready to have a good time tonight and she said I was but now I dont know. Now what in the world does that mean! I tried applying all sorts of significa nt meanings to that statement but in the end I decided to just let it go and let events unfold as they would. Fast forward to 2 minutes before midnight. Angela is an absolute goddess, she is very beautiful and one of the nicest, sweetest woman I have ever met, but she is not one given to affection, especially public affection. Well at 2 minutes till she laid a kiss on me that lasted well after midnight. She absolutely blew me away!! The rest of the night was nice, we went to a couple more clubs but that moment is burned into my memory. Everything else paled in comparison. I dont know if it is possible but I think I kissed her with my heart as well as my lips. I have heard of your minds eye, but tonight I found my hearts mouth................. January 2, 1997 I slept very happily all morning. I guess we were up a little later than I thought. I think my mind is still reeling from last night. I dont know what Im going to do with my self since Monday Night football is off, and Buffalo is out of the playoffs. One thing is for sure I know Angela is glad of that. We spent a nice relaxing day together doing nothing but laying on the couch. It was great! Well thats the extent of my new years day. Ive got to get ready for work, which by the way is the low point of my day. January 3, 1997 T.G.I.F! Angela and I went to go see the movie Jerry Maguire. It was really good, but Angela was convinced that the only reason I went to see it was because I knew she wanted to see it. That was part of the reason but I wasnt going to tell her that. She gets upset sometimes when she thinks Im doing something just for her. Go figure, you would think that would be a good thing. Oh well I guess God knew what he was doing when he made women as utterly confusing as he did........................ January 4, 1997 Saturday, I love Saturdays. Its a day I dont have to do anything. Fortunately NFL playoffs are going on. I think Green Bay and San Francisco are playing today. I hope Green Bay wins. I have decided that by the time my birthday rolls around I will quit smoking. Good luck huh? Im sure that once I start school my Saturdays wont be as relaxing as they are now. What Im really worried about is that when I start school I wont have near the time, or money to do things with Angela and she will get bored with me. Its funny, when I was dating Sonya she would have put up with just about anything just to see me in school. Now Im worried that Angela wont want to wait for a college student. Well maybe Im just creating all this in my head. After all she is

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Cómo tramitar green card para esposos de residentes

Cà ³mo tramitar green card para esposos de residentes   Los residentes permanentes pueden pedir los papeles de la green card para sus esposos. En la tramitacià ³n hay que seguir tres pasos: Peticià ³n al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s)  Espera a que el boletà ­n de visas informe de que hay visas disponiblesProcesamiento consular, si el esposo o la mujer que se pide est fuera de Estados Unidos. Este ser lo que sucede en la mayorà ­a de los casos. Pero tambià ©n es posible un  ajuste de estatus cuando el  cà ³nyuge extranjero està © legalmente en Estados Unidos. Documentos que se necesita  enviar al USCIS para iniciar el proceso de solicitud de la green card La planilla (forma)  I-130, que se descargar gratuitamente.  Dos planillas G-325A, ya que cada esposo debe completar una. Es un formulario sencillo, pero con un par de preguntas no claras. En este artà ­culo se explica paso a paso quà © rellenar en cada casilla.Una fotografà ­a muy reciente tipo pasaporte de cada esposo. Es decir, un total de dos fotografà ­as. Escribir en la parte posterior de cada foto el nombre de a quien pertenece y el alien registration number. Poner cada foto en una bolsita transparente y unir cada una con un clip al G-325A del solicitante y de la persona pedida.Prueba de que el solicitante es residente permanente legal. Es suficiente una fotocopia legible  por el derecho y por el revà ©s de la tarjeta de residencia del solicitante.  Prueba de que el solicitante y de que el extranjero para el que se pide la residencia estn casados vlidamente. Por supuesto que se admiten los matrimonios celebrados en otro paà ­s. Lo à ºnico que importa es que sean vlidos segà ºn las leyes del paà ­s en el que se hayan celebrado. Lo mismo aplica para los matrimonios entre gays y lesbianas, siendo estos los estados, naciones de las tribus  indà ­genas y paà ­ses de habla hispana donde este tipo de matrimonio es legal y es, por lo tanto, reconocido por las autoridades de inmigracià ³n de Estados Unidos.Si uno o ambos esposos han estado previamente casados, hay que presentar prueba de que el matrimonio anterior finalizà ³ por viudedad, divorcio o anulacià ³n. Mandar copia legible del certificado que asà ­ lo pruebe.Enviar el pago del arancel correspondiente mediante cheque o money order. En la actualidad, es de $420, pero verificar en la pgina del USCIS buscando filing fee  que no ha cambiado.  No se va a procesar la peticià ³n si no hay pago. Si algà ºn documento est en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s, se puede hacer una traduccià ³n certificada de la manera que se explica  en este enlace. NOTA: Enviar fotocopia legible de la documentacià ³n relativa al matrimonio y prueba de ciudadanà ­a   y residencia. En este caso en concreto si se envà ­a el original, el USCIS no tiene que devolverlo. A Inmigracià ³n sà ³lo se le pide un original cuando especà ­ficamente asà ­ lo indique  (en este caso los va a pedir ms tarde).   Muy importante: si el cà ³nyuge extranjero para el que se pide la tarjeta de residencia est ya en Estados Unidos, entonces: Puede enviarse en el mismo paquete con la documentacià ³n anterior  la solicitud para el ajuste de estatus, siempre y cuando està © legalmente en Estados Unidos. (y todas las planillas y documentacià ³n que es necesario para ello). Si se quiere, en estos casos tambià ©n se puede enviar una aplicacià ³n para un permiso de trabajo y para un advance parole. Una vez que se envà ­a la solicitud de la residencia, el cà ³nyuge extranjero no debe salir de Estados Unidos hasta tener aprobado el advance parole.   Recordar que los esposos de residentes que no estn en el paà ­s legalmente en ningà ºn caso pueden ajustar su estatus por matrimonio.   Ã‚ ¿Dà ³nde se envà ­a la documentacià ³n? Se envà ­a a un centro de recogida del USCIS que se denomina lockbox y que es diferente segà ºn el lugar de residencia del solicitante. Lo ms recomendable es enviarla utilizando el servicio de correo certificado (certified mail) de Correos. Asà ­ se recibir constancia de que lo han recibido.   Una vez llega la documentacià ³n al lockbox,  se cobra el cheque o la money order y se reenvà ­a el expediente al Centro de Servicio del USCIS que la va a tramitar. En poco tiempo se recibir un documento conocido como NOA1 con informacià ³n relevante: el nà ºmero de expediente, con el que ya se puede hacer un seguimientoel nombre del Centro de Servicio que se ocupa de la tramitacià ³n, con lo que es posible mirar en la pgina web del USCIS el tiempo aproximado que se toman en procesar este tipo de peticiones. Poco despuà ©s se recibir otra notificacià ³n: la NOA2. En esa carta se informa si la solicitud: ha sido negada, y en este caso la razà ³n. Si ese es el caso, hablar con un abogado para analizar si se puede solucionar el problema.ha sido aprobada. Eso no quiere decir que la green card se vaya a aprobar. Sà ³lo que efectivamente el solicitante y la persona a la que le pide los papeles son esposos. Adems, el NOA2 contiene una informacià ³n muy importante: la fecha de prioridad. Tiempo de espera Por  ley, el nà ºmero de residencias permanentes que se pueden aprobar por aà ±o fiscal est limitado a un nà ºmero. Y como las peticiones son ms que las residencias disponibles pues se producen atrasos. La espera acaba cuando la fecha de prioridad es anterior a dà ­a que publica el boletà ­n de visas. Aquà ­ se explica cà ³mo y cul es el boletà ­n de visas ms actual. Tener en cuenta que los esposos de residentes permanentes legales tienen la categorà ­a 2FA y que Mà ©xico puede llevar un retraso mayor que el resto de los paà ­ses de Latinoamà ©rica y Espaà ±a. Cuando hay un nà ºmero de visa disponible: fase final de la tramitacià ³n Se acaba la espera y se reanuda la tramitacià ³n. Si el cà ³nyuge extranjero est en EEUU legalmente se inicia el ajuste de estatus (en este artà ­culo no se especifica sobre este trmite porque son muy pocos los casos en esta situacià ³n) Si el cà ³nyuge extranjero est fuera de Estados Unidos se inicia el procedimiento consular. En esta fase la iniciativa la lleva siempre las autoridades de Inmigracià ³n, primero el Centro Nacional de Visas y luego el consulado. Responder siempre en el plazo  que dicen y enviar toda la documentacià ³n. En general, estos son los pasos: El NVC con ambos esposos, separadamente. Correspondencia con el residente que pide los papeles   Factura para pagar por el affidavà ­t of support.  Tras el pago pago, enviar  para llenar el  affidavit. Este documento es esencial.  Estas son las posibilidades:I-864EZ, cuando se tienen  ingresos por encima de la là ­nea de la pobreza sin necesidad de recurrir a patrimonio  ni a co-patrocinadores.I-864, cuando necesita  ingresos y patrimonio (assets) o un  co-patrocinador que no reside fuera de la casa de familiar (por ejemplo, un amigo, o un hermano).I-864A, debe presentarse conjuntamente con el I-864 cuando se necesita el apoyo econà ³mico de una persona que vive en el mismo hogar familiar que el solicitante.I-864W, cuando  no es necesario presentar el affidavit of support porque los esposos llevan muchos aà ±os de casados. Correspondencia del NVC con la persona para la que se piden los papeles El formulario DS-261.  Despuà ©s de que el NVC recibe el pago, envà ­a la factura   de la tarifa de la visa de inmigrante.  Despuà ©s de pagar esa cuota, se llenan las planillas del  DS-260, Parte I   parte II.Examen mà ©dico en el lugar donde se seà ±ale.Cita para las  huellas digitales. Se le enviarn al FBI y a otras agencias de seguridad. Si no hay rà ©cord criminal, el consulado continuar con la tramitacià ³n. Quà © documentos hay que llevar a la entrevista en el consulado El  consulado enviar citar un dà ­a y una hora en concreto a la persona pedida. En la citacià ³n se  informar de quà © hay que llevar. Seguir al pie de la letra las instrucciones. Pedirn, como mà ­nimo: Documentos que sirven de prueba de todos lo que se dijo en el  affidavit of supportResultados del examen mà ©dico, que han de estar en un sobre sin abrirCertificado de nacimiento (original y una fotocopia)Certificado de matrimonio (original y una fotocopia)Certificado de divorcio, nulidad o viudedad, si se estuvo previamente casado  (original y fotocopia)Pasaporte vlidoLa carta del USCIS en la que se aprueba la peticià ³n del formulario I-130 (Form I-797)Dos fotografà ­as a color y muy recientes  tipo pasaporteCertificados policiales de todos los paà ­ses en los que se ha vivido, si dichos paà ­ses los dan. Y si los hay, rà ©cords militares (por ejemplo, si se sirvià ³ en el Ejà ©rcito), de condenas, de haber pasado tiempo en prisià ³n, de cortes.Documentos que sirven para acreditar que el matrimonio es verdadero. Despuà ©s de la entrevista El oficial consular puede rechazar la visa para la green card o aprobarla. Tener presente que es una visa, no es la residencia permanente  per se. Es una visa y se entrega un sobre que no se puede abrir. Sà ³lo puede hacerlo el inspector de Inmigracià ³n al llegar a un puerto, aeropuerto o frontera terrestre de los Estados Unidos. Se tienen seis meses para entrar en Estados Unidos.   Y una vez que se ingresa el inspector sella el pasaporte con una tarjeta de residencia verdadera. Y en unos meses llegar por correo la de plstico.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

NCLB and Students with Disabilities Research Paper

NCLB and Students with Disabilities - Research Paper Example The enactment of NCLB changed the educational landscape for students with disabilities by introducing vast changes (Peterson and West, 2003). The act gave children with disabilities access to free public education improving their educational outcomes. The act has raised awareness of poor performance of many schools and students especially those with disabilities. According to the federal law, states, schools, and communities have to collect data on student performance, broken in categories of race, and factors such as the native language and disability (Peterson and West, 2003). Public schools are faced with the greatest challenge of producing good performance raising concern for families with children in these schools. Students with disabilities have low rates of high school completion, success and graduation with diplomas in the market as opposed to those without disabilities. The dropout rates for students with disabilities are high, and most of them fail to achieve a high school diploma making their dropout rates four times higher than for those without disabilities (Peterson and West, 2003). NCLB has helped states and schools change their strategies in order to prepare students with disabilities for challenges of higher learning and economic self-sufficiency (Peterson and West, 2003). This involves evaluating the federal and state level programs and strategies that enhance educational practice. This has in turn improved the valued educational outcomes for youth with disabilities.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

HSBC as a Financial Service Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

HSBC as a Financial Service - Assignment Example They also are a provider of a large number of financial services to a large number of customers. These services include Commercial banking, Personal Financial Services, Private Banking and Global Banking and Markets (HSBC, 2010). Lloyd’s is one of the well known and trusted financial institutions. It has grown over the years to become one of the globally recognized and prominent figures in Dow Jones index and FTSE 100. It has been one of the greatest British institutions that have developed itself into the global business. The rating agencies have recognized the organization by providing the securities high rates that shows that the firm has been performing well (Lloyd’s, 2010). Marketing of the financial services has been one of the recent phenomena even in the developed nations of the world. The financial service sector has not been subjected to the market pressure in an attempt to survive and prosper. This sector has operated in the benign market environment in most of the countries and has been managed and controlled by the state itself. The government has helped in the development of the new products as well as in the promotional activities. The strategic marketing planning helps to set the direction for the medium to long-term. In order to complement the strategic marketing plan, it would be best for the companies to have an annual marketing plan in order to achieve the short term marketing objectives (Ennew & Waite, 2007). The main strategy of the HSBC Bank has been to build its position as the leader in the international as well as the emerging markets. It tries to pay the employees according to their performances that include market-based pay. The bank has a transparent structure that is based on the separately capitalized subsidiaries. It also takes a conservative approach to the liquidity management and has developed its business in such a way that helps to provide diversified and broad global services.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Film art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Film art - Essay Example One of the elements of Citizen Kane that Brophy focused on is vocal performance of all the main cast members of this movie. He says that it was Orson Welles’ special talent to bring the most out of his actors as far as their vocal inflections and other aural aspects. For instance, he talks about the reporter’s bland voice, which was right for the part, because the reporter was supposed to be one of the least colorful characters in the film (Brophy, 2). Another vocal performance that was focused on was that of Susan Alexander, describing her voice as phlegmy, and full of repressed anger. The questioning of the librarian brings a scolding that is whispered, but full of indignation (Brophy, 2). In Psycho, there are similar aspects of the film that brings this film to life. The most obvious, of course, was Norman Bates and his â€Å"mother.† Bates has a pitch-perfect imitation of his mother, so much so that the audience could never suspect that the mother actually wa s not a separate person at that point. The arguments that emanate from the spooky old house on the hill that is directly behind the Bates Motel could never, in the audience’s wild imagination, be just one person arguing essentially with himself. The voice inflections and the pitch of the voice of the mother are so real that it is that much more shocking to find out, in the climax, that Norman’s mother had been dead for many years, and that the â€Å"mother† was, at that point, nothing but a skeleton with a robe and wig on, sitting in the apple cellar. This is not the only vocal performance that brings suspense to the film. Janet Leigh’s performance as the lead character, Marion, also brings a sense of suspense to the film. For instance, when she is stopped by the policeman early on in the film, her talking is way too fast. This, combined with her overall shifty-eyed look gave the policeman reason to suspect that she was hiding something, and she was, inde ed - $40,000 that she had embezzled from her employer. This same tone of voice is employed when she went to buy a new car – her speech was tight and quick. She was extremely nervous, and this nervousness was evident in her voice and her overall body language. Because the audience knew that Marion was not that good of an actress (although Leigh certainly was), it became obvious when she felt comfortable and when she felt uncomfortable. It was completely in her voice. Therefore, when she was talking to Norman in his room – while she ate her sandwich, while looking at the creepy stuffed owls and such – it was obvious that she felt completely comfortable. For whatever reason, there was nothing in Norman’s weird demeanor that gave her pause. If there was something, Marion would not have been able to hide it. She couldn’t hide nervousness, this was obvious. Therefore, the audience was clued into Marion’s state of mind throughout the film – it showed in her voice and her body language. Similarly, Brophy stated that this is an important part of the vocal characterizations – the changes in the voice of the character would signify the different states of mind that the character might go through during the course of the film (Brophy, 3). While the characters in Citizen Kane had different vocal inflections because the voices of the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Kolb learning cycle

Kolb learning cycle KOLB LEARNING CYCLE Abstract: In this assignment, we discuss about learning, Kolbs learning cycle and different learning styles. And we get lot of knowledge how to become a good learner. Learning: In that environment that we are usually not going there before, or not have any idea about their rule and regularities, in that point we need to learn about the basic information for our survival. That is called learning. To prepare ourselves for the new challenges of life, no doubt, it is little bite hard, but we have to follow the rule and regularities about the specific needs. Learning is the first step for doing anything in life, because without learning in life we are not be able to do anything in life. Kolb: Kolb is one of the most potent investigators in the field because he gives a complete theoretical picture. According to kolb, learning is the way where we can gain lot of knowledge through different experiences. The theory describes a way of making and placing the syllabus and points in very beautiful way and tell us how the syllabus will be teach and how student can learn lot of knowledge. It indicates that learning is cyclical, takes four stages, sometimes related to as detection, watching, thinking and doing. An important characteristic of the theory is that the different stages are linked with clear-cut learning styles. Wherever, they feel comfortable that is the first stage for them learning. In the case of student there are different tasks where student can pass one by one, and become more wiser with practice and knowledge. Teachers also have different styles of teaching to the students with different new ideas. So everyone have different stages of learning. Kolbs experiential learning theory is one of the master piece of educational theories in higher education, and it has is own place in the literature on geography in higher education in the UK. However, estimating from published literature and the result of this theory is not really good impacting or less well geographers in north America. This is fairly surprising given that Kolb is an American organisational psychologist, whose work has targeted lot of care in north America, specially in the education management and psychology literature. Kolbs cycle have had very good impact on the work of teachers and students and new learners. Kolbs learning cycle: According to kolbs there are four elements which complete the learning cycle and they are very important, because these elements work one by one and very smoothly, they will take place each other. 1- Activist: Pretending, homework, analysis. What is new, i am part of anything, problem solving, small groups give and take equal feedback, trainer should be a icon of a professional, in this case we should give the new learner to chance to learn his own way with some criteria for relevance of stuffs. 2- Reflector: Diaries, logs, thinking. I like the way to think about this training thought. In this case lectures are play very important role to know the really personality of the person by Jude performance. 3- Theorist: Papers, inferences. How this thing is part of other thing. Training thought, case studies, theory readings and work with your own ideas will give you lot of help. Including talking with experts, is not encourage. 4- Pragmatist: Same work, laboratories, notices. How can i get the real advantage of this work? Training thought, equal feedback is helpful. In this case whatever you want to do, you must have proper qualification of the relevant field and complete knowledge. Help from the perfection will be better and boost your career. Different stages in the cycle: Not doubt, Kolbs learning cycle have four elements and they have individual importance. But the main important thing is that they also have appropriate at different stages in the cycle. In 1988 Gibbs take a full advantage and research on Kolbs learning cycle in the field of educational practice. He gets the result that all the elements have very close relationship with each other on different stages. In setting out logical significances of Kolbs theory Gibbs indicates. It is not complete just to do, and not is it complete just to think. Nor is it enough simply to do and think. Learning from excises necessary demand the doing and the thinking. in an opening public talk: Stage 1 (CE): Students one by one read complete takes out from three or four books that represent factors of living in necessary. At giving them a substitute building material. Stage 2 (RO): IN groups of 5-6, students take interest in key questions, like does it look that these experiences were change made by gender. In this stage student need to look back on their reading and also try to focus for the next stage. stage 3 (AC): In that stage 30 minute lecture on the relevant topic give them the idea what is basic need for specific topic and it will be solve. Stage 4 (AE): At this stage student know how to be going forward and present their own ideas. Which is revenant to the all previous stages. In the next class session: Stage 5 (CE): In this stage, students show their ideas and compare with other idea as well. (experience) Stage 6 (RO): In this stage, students discuss questions that help them to improve their ideas. In this stage teacher play very important role to give the student proper guideline. Which really help them a lot in future. (reflection) Stage 7 (AC): This stage is very important because in this stage teach show the students or give them their result and according to the requirement. (conceptualisation) Stage 8 (AE): In this stage, students are able to write their views correctly and according to the point. (experimentation) At this position the work or lesson move to another topic, where Kolbs theory may be used again to base learning experience. At this time students will look back and use the way of analysis (AE), Second time, they move (CE). Hopefully they tell the people (RO), and might give view that if they read this theory (AC), they get the result at the end differently and their experience might be automatically changed by that learning. http://www2.glos.ac.uk/GDN/discuss/kolb1.htm Personal Review of learning: In my opinion, everyone has different learning styles. Some people are mostly visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learner. Actually, everyone learns by variety of elements or styles. But there is always one style is more predominant in each person. In that a person may can increase his learning power, with the help of his predominant style, and become a successful person in his field. Different people choose different ways of learning. But I always choose that way, which, I can fully understand before doing. It means I usually take the from the checklists and quizzes etc. And main important thing is that currently, I am student, so usually learn a lot of knowledge from books, internet, novels, newspapers, different articles and main important thing, I get lot of knowledge my teachers. If I want to choose or develop my best learning way, i will prefer quizzes or checklist. Like I will put some multiple choice questions to know the opinion of people, which help us a lot to create a learning style. For example: Q1: I like to study A: with other people like play games and learn B: In 5-6 people groups where I can listen other people views C: OR alone in a peace full place Q2: I recall thing best if I A: make lists and write them in a page or diary B: record the knowledge and listen C: write down and read them back Q3: I like to learn using A: Rimes and tones that I make up B: pictures and diagrams C: labs and presentation Q4: sometimes when no one is near me I will A: perform out information B: do something else which give me boost to do C: make a photo In my homework, which help me in my work. Q5: I recall things most when I A: read them B: hear them C: say them Q6: I Have problem to recalling thing if I A: cant take about in class B: just read it dont discuss in class C: cant take or write in notebook Q7: I recall A: looks B: names C: both names and faces Q8: when I study for a exam I like to A: I like to draw a picture, charts in my work B: read thoroughly C: make a scheme Well, I thought so I Can create that type of learning style in the future, which help us a lot to know the personality of the person. Then we can give the same task which he / she can easily solve. And become a good learn or successful person, in their fields. Conclusion: In this assignment ,we learn a lot of information about who we can become a good learn, in different ways. And become a successful in future. Plus point is that all the ways are linked with each other, in very beautiful manner. So it every useful source of become a good learner, and get lot of advantages. References: http://www2.glos.ac.uk/GDN/discuss/kolb1.htm http://www.sos.net/~donclark/history/kolb.html http://homeworktips.about.com Cottrell, s. (2003) The Study Skills handbook, Palgrave study Guides

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Charles Schwab Case Essay -- essays research papers

Charles Schwab, a Stanford MBA, founded Charles Schwab & Company in 1971 in California. The company quickly established itself as an innovator. A defining moment came with the 1975 â€Å"May Day,† when Schwab took advantage of the new opportunities deregulation offered. Schwab would not provide advice on which securities to buy and when to sell as the full-service brokerage firms did. Instead, it gave self-directed investors low-cost access to securities transactions. From the late 80s to the early 90s, before the commercial use of the Internet, Schwab used technology to increase efficiency and quality and expand its services. Schwab’s innovations harnessed technology to the solution of business problem. As Schwab’s President and co-CEO David Pottruck put it, â€Å"we are a technology company in the brokerage business.† Schwab introduced TeleBroker, a fully automated telephone system that allowed customers to retrieve real-time stock quotes and place orders. Schwab also leveraged its back-office operations with SchwabLink, a service to provide fee-based financial advisors with back-office custodial services and the capability for RIAs to plug into Schwab’s computers to trade. The RIA market became an important source of revenue for Schwab. By 2000, Schwab had 5,900 affiliated RIAs, who controlled about 30% of Schwab's assets, up from zero in 1987. Merrill Lynch viewed these RIA’s as a â€Å"virtual sales force† for Schwab: â€Å"We don’t compete with the discounters. We do compete with Schwab. They have essentially built a Merrill Lynch by proxy.† Schwab introduced the Mutual Fund OneSource program in 1992, enabling customers to purchase no-load mutual funds without paying commissions. The vast majority of OneSource assets were in non-Schwab funds, except the Schwa bFunds money market, the only money market fund offered to OneSource customers. Funds were ranked and presented to Schwab customers based on objective characteristics (e.g., sector, investment style, or management fees) and performance. Customers could use their Schwab account to buy or sell more than 1,100 mutual funds from about 200 third-party fund families without paying any fees, and the transactions were integrated into their Schwab account statements and reports. Schwab serviced these accounts, aggregating all OneSource trades into a single daily transaction that was communicated electronically to the pa... ...s value proposition. Schwab customers could trade through Schwab’s branch offices, through representatives at call centers, via automated telephone services, over the Internet, and over wireless devices. Schwab sought to take advantage of synergies between the Internet and its traditional channels. For example, Schwab planned to hold over 13,600 online investing seminars in 2000 in its branches for those not comfortable with Internet technology. Looking at the market share in Figure. 1 below, Schwab was the leader in 1999. However, in today’s world competition has gotten even more competitive. Fidelity and Vanguard have become household names in today’s market. Fidelity with their proven customer service, range of mutual funds, stocks, and Retirement plans is well balanced diversified credible firm with a proven track record. Vanguard is one of the newer but fast growing firms. Vanguard trademark is for low commission and expense ratios fees. Vanguard has the lowest fees in the industry and makes a big difference if one is a long-term investor. In conclusion, Fidelity and Vanguard are the tier 1 firms in the industry with Vanguard having the potential to be #1 in the near future.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Fear of the Power of Science in Frankenstein

Some readers have seen the novel as an illustration of the fear of the power of science. To what extent do you agree with this view of the novel? There are many different readings of ‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley, first published in 1818. The traditional reading sees the novel being about a man getting punished by God for crossing his domain. Many different Gothic themes are used in the novel to create a sense of fear in the audience, not just in the fear of science but the fear of the power of science and the influence this power has on Victor’s character. Frankenstein’ serves as a warning to others of the power of science and creates a sense of fear in the audience. One of the key ways Shelley creates this fear is through the juxtaposing references to nature, helping to serve as a warning. In the midst of Chapter Four, when Victor is engrossed in his work, a paragraph is added describing the beauty and nature around him. Through describing the outside wo rld as ‘beautiful’, Victor is admitting that the world is already beautiful and by ignoring that, he is being ignorant.If Victor had left his house, maybe the beauty of the world could have lifted him out of his depression and stopped the future events. This sense of foreshadowing in the novel creates the sense of fear in the power placed in Victors hands; he knows he is wrapped up in his work ‘neglect the scenes around me’, and through this unhealthy obsession is left with nothing. By adding the beauty of the summer months it further highlights how obsessive Victor had become as time speeds up and months pass within a short section of the novel. The language used in ‘Frankenstein’ to describe his task is interesting to note.The opposing views throughout the novel, adds the retrospective notion towards the story, as he is telling the story having learnt his lesson. ‘If the study to which you apply yourself has a tendency to weaken your af fections and to destroy your taste†¦ then that study is certainly unlawful’. The sense that Victor has learnt from his mistake, creates the interpretation that ‘Frankenstein’ is a morality tale. Morality tales flourished in the 16th century and were often seen as personifications of good and evil usually involved in the struggle for a man’s soul. Victor, the rotagonist, can be seen as a representative of society as a whole, with Victor representing the many scientific discoveries at the time. During the 19th Century, Science was controversial as it questioned many fundamental religious beliefs such as Creation and God. Shelley uses the novel of ‘Frankenstein’ to address the problems with advancements in science and the fundamental consequences of those playing God, thus creating a sense of fear of the power that many were acquiring at the time. The setting is an important feature in Gothic literature and the fact that Victor has isolated himself is influential in the structure of the novel.Victor describes where he works as a ‘solitary chamber’ or ‘cell’ implying he has trapped himself there. This fuels his obsession in creating his ‘monster’ as he has little or no contact with the outside world. The negative description of the room where he works, ‘workshop of filthy creations’ and ‘slaughter house’, creates a dark and creepy atmosphere in the novel, with this use of darkness evident throughout and a key concept in Gothic Literature such as ‘Dracula’. The isolation he creates adds a sense of fear not only to science but a fear towards Victor as his obsession could lead to him becoming crazy.Although one could presume that a fear of science is being created, this can be argued. Many would argue that actually it is the fear of the unknown that is evident in ‘Frankenstein’. Victor is exploring something that no one has ever done and thus the path to his discovery, although with good intentions, is flawed. During the 19th Century, the new scientific discoveries were controversial with many going against Religion. The description used such as ‘fire tissue’ and ‘sizzling light’ of lightning, reflects Victors experiments with conducting electricity through organisms.During the time, Johann Willhelm Ritter, had done experiments whereby he would pass electricity from metal conductors into frog’s legs and this is referred to in the novel. Ketterer says that Shelley’s awareness and fascination with the big scientific discoveries of her day is highlighted in the 1831 version of Frankenstein, where Victor asks his father to demonstrate that lightning is electricity. The novel ‘Frankenstein; is a response to these scientific advancements acting as a warning to those playing god ‘How dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge’ creating fear in the unknown not j ust in science.Following on from the fear of the unknown, some would argue that it is also the fear of change in ‘Frankenstein’. Religion was a fundamental part of society and many believed that Science was a usurper to Religion and many would still believe that today. ‘In other studies you have gone to where others have gone before’. Unlike subjects such as History, Victor believes Science is about change and therefore oversteps the boundaries of discovery; it is the reference to the sublimeness of his task that makes this more evident. ‘In scientific pursuit there is continual food for discovery and wonder’.The fear not only in the power of science but in the ‘discovery’ is clear in ‘Frankenstein’ with continual conflict between the two. The novel describes the ultimate consequence of those attempting to cross two of Gods domains, ‘man’ and ‘God’. Victor creates the monster, which challenges the advancement of technology during the industrial revolution and thus a fear of industry and scientific advancement, not necessarily the direct fear of science. The fear of the power of science is a concept that can be seen clearly in ‘Frankenstein’.Although, it can be argued that it is the fear of the unknown or change, the real fear is in the power of Science. Victor’s obsession with science allows him to feel powerful and thus make mistakes, that when retrospectively telling the story he is able to recount and acknowledge. The power placed in Victors hands when he is able to create life, is ultimately the one to be feared. Shelley’s ability to subtly create fear through setting, language and structure is important in creating the fear of the power of science which is crucial in this Gothic text.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Introduction to Gross Domestic Product

Introduction to Gross Domestic Product In order to analyze the health of an economy or examine economic growth, its necessary to have a way to measure the size of an economy. Economists usually measure the size of an economy by the amount of stuff it produces. This makes sense in a lot of ways, mainly because an economys output in a given period of time is equal to the economys income, and the economys level of income is one of the main determinants of its standard of living and societal welfare. It may seem strange that output, income, and expenditure (on domestic goods) in an economy are all the same quantity, but this observation is simply the result of the fact that there is both a buying and a selling side to every economic transaction. For example, if an individual bakes a loaf of bread and sells it for $3, he has created $3 of output and made $3 in income. Similarly, the buyer of the loaf of bread spent $3, which counts in the expenditure column. The equivalence between overall output, income and expenditure is simply a result of this principle aggregated over all of the goods and services in an economy. Economists measure these quantities using the concept of Gross Domestic Product. Gross domestic product, commonly referred to as GDP, is the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. Its important to understand precisely what this means, so its worth giving some thought to each of the definitions components: GDP Uses Market Value Its pretty easy to see that it doesnt make sense to count an orange the same in GDP as a television, nor does it make sense to count the television the same as a car. The GDP calculation accounts for this by adding up the market value of each good or service rather than adding up the quantities of the goods and services directly. Although adding up market values solves an important problem, it can also create other calculation problems. One problem arises when prices change over time since the basic GDP measure doesnt make it clear whether changes are due to actual changes in output or just changes in prices. (The concept of real GDP is an attempt to account for this, however.) Other problems can arise when new goods enter the market or when technology developments make goods both higher quality and less expensive. GDP Counts Market Transactions Only In order to have a market value for a good or service, that good or service has to be bought and sold in a legitimate market. Therefore, only goods and services that are bought and sold in markets count in GDP, even though there may be a lot of other work being done and output being created. For example, goods and services produced and consumed within a household dont count in GDP, even though they would count if the goods and services were brought to the marketplace. In addition, goods and services transacted in illegal or otherwise illegitimate markets dont count in GDP. GDP Only Counts Final Goods There are many steps that go into the production of virtually any good or service. Even with an item as simple as a $3 loaf of bread, for example, the price of the wheat used for the bread is perhaps 10 cents, the wholesale price of the bread is maybe $1.50, and so on. Since all of these steps were used to create something that was sold to the consumer for $3, there would be a lot of double counting if the prices of all of the intermediate goods were added into GDP. Therefore, goods and services are only added into GDP when they have reached their final point of sale, whether that point is a business or a consumer. An alternate method of calculating GDP is to add up the value added at each stage in the production process. In the simplified bread example above, the wheat grower would add 10 cents to GDP, the baker would add the difference between the 10 cents of the value of his input and the $1.50 value of his output, and the retailer would add the difference between the $1.50 wholesale price and the $3 price to the end consumer. Its probably not surprising that the sum of these amounts equals the $3 price of the final bread. GDP Counts Goods at the Time They Are Produced GDP counts the value of goods and services at the time they are produced, not necessarily when they are officially sold or resold. This has two implications. First, the value of used goods that are resold doesnt count in GDP, though a value-added service associated with reselling the good would be counted in GDP. Second, goods that are produced but not sold are viewed as being purchased by the producer as inventory and thus counted in GDP when they are produced. GDP Counts Production Within an Economy's Borders The most notable recent change in measuring an economys income is the switch from using gross national product to using Gross Domestic Product. In contrast to gross national product, which counts the output of all of an economys citizens, Gross Domestic Product counts all output that is created within the borders of the economy regardless of who produced it. GDP Is Measured Over a Specific Period of Time Gross Domestic Product is defined over a specific period of time, whether it be a month, a quarter, or a year. Its important to keep in mind that, while the level of income is certainly important to the health of an economy, its not the only thing that matters. Wealth and assets, for example, also have a significant effect on the standard of living, since people not only buy new goods and services but also get enjoyment from using the goods that they already own.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Suspended Compounds in English Grammar

Suspended Compounds in English Grammar In English grammar, a suspended compound is a set of compound nouns or compound adjectives in which an element common to all members is not repeated. Also called suspensive hyphenation. A hyphen and a space follow the first element of a suspended compound. (A hyphen with a space after it is called a hanging hyphen.) Examples and Observations The festival starts with a parade, followed by the crowning of Little Miss Catfish, who is chosen by drawing a name from among the five- and six-year-old catfish princesses. (Bob Rashid, Gone Fishing. University of Wisconsin Press, 1999)The difference between the pre- and post-test scores is the so-called learning gain.More injuries are caused by falls from a three- or four-foot height than by falls from tall extension ladders.More than half of three- and four-year-old children in the U.S. attend preschool.Several arguments support the idea that there is a fundamental difference between short- and long-term memory.At the Paperback Exchange, books of all kinds can be exchanged for first- and second-hand books in English.Cyrus McCormick, the head of International Harvester, typified nineteenth- and twentieth-century industrialists understanding of manliness.​ Stylistic Advice: Suspended Compounds Do not use suspended compound adjectives unless space is limited. In a suspended compound adjective, part of the adjective is separated from the rest of the adjective, such as first- in first- and second-generation computers. If you must use suspended compound adjectives, include a hyphen with both adjectives. Avoid forming suspended compound adjectives from one-word adjectives. (Microsoft Manual of Style, 4th ed. Microsoft Press, 2012) Suspended compounds of the form water-based and -soluble paint are licit but likely to confuse readers; substitute water-based and water-soluble paint. (Amy Einsohn, The Copyeditors Handbook. University of California Press, 2000) Also See CompoundingCompound WordsSay Good-bye to the Hyphen

Monday, November 4, 2019

Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics Essay

Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics - Essay Example In this connection, organizations or companies intends considering social responsibility as major initiatives or activities in order to support social causes along with satisfying commitments through corporate social responsibility (Kotler & Lee, 2008). Similarly, managerial ethics are often regarded as the code of moral ideas and values that manage the overall behaviors of an individual. A managerial ethical issue lies in such a situation when the various actions of an organization are observed to have the potential to damage or benefit the stakeholders by creating an impression on their perceived personal values (Draft & Marcic, 2010). Henceforth, in this paper, the importance of social responsibility, various risks that are linked with social responsibility and the important factors in order to overcome those risks will be elaborately discussed followed by a strong conclusion. The main objective of this paper is to make a strong belief that the companies or the organizations shoul d contribute their expensive resources as well as time to supervise their social responsibility. ... It is a part of contemporary managerial ideology which is considered in order to evaluate various decisions, beliefs and actions among others. In context to business operations, a particular organization expects to exercise greater ethical values and perform various responsibilities towards the society (Griifin, 1993). People in the organizations may hold dissimilar views regarding the ethically suitable or unsuitable actions related to a situation which in turn gives rise to ethical conflicts and thus in turn tends to signify the essentiality of managerial ethics and corporate social responsibility (Draft & Marcic, 2010). Social responsibility can be regarded or treated as one of the ethical actions considered by an organization or a company. However, a particular business cannot continue with good performances to a certain extent if it lacks in efficient financial and/or operational strengths. For instance, if the business is making too much loss in expenditures, it eventually inte nds to retrench the production cost that in turn affects the service/product quality hampering customers’ perceived values and leaving the employees jobless. This particular evidence might prove disregarding in relation to social responsibility towards the employees within an organization (Griifin, 1993) Thus, in order to promote a well equipped development within an organization, it is necessary to accept the importance or necessity of social responsibility. The importance of social responsibility is duly considered high because of its assertion towards business in order to enhance economic value, maintain coordination between employees’ work life and personal life, local communities as well as to

Friday, November 1, 2019

Exercise assignments Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Exercise assignments - Coursework Example All the three factors when combined give freedom to an individual and people start valuing their life. 2. I agree that without denying Individual freedom, unity and order in a moral system is a big problem. Once an Individual is given full freedom, the Individual does not realize his actions towards others. His act of freedom might hurt others which in turn causes dispute among individuals. Hence freedom of individuals has to be denied in order to attain unity in a moral system. 8. I use all the principles in my day to day life. I try to have my own freedom when required and that freedom is within my limits. I always try to value my life and make sure that I am good to others. Along with enjoying my regular activities, I also believe in being fair to the people and to the society around you. There have been times when I could not be good to people but I have always tried my best in being good to the people around