Monday, September 30, 2019
Chin Tuck Exercise Cervicogenic Headache Health And Social Care Essay
Cervicogenic concern is comparatively common and still controversial signifier of concern. Cervicogenic concern has been classified by International Headache Society and histories for 15 % to 20 % of all chronic and perennial concerns. The estimated prevalence of upset runing from 0.7 % to 13.8 % . The persons with chronic cervicogenic concern experience considerable limitation of day-to-day map, restriction of societal engagement, and emotional hurt. In add-on, these persons report a lower quality of life than other persons. Cervicogenic caput is a syndrome characterized by chronic hemi cranial hurting that is referred to the caput from either cadaverous construction or soft tissues of the cervix. Sensory nervus fibres from the falling piece of land of trigeminal nervus are believed to interact with centripetal fibres from the upper cervical roots ; this convergence allows the bidirectional referral of painful esthesiss between the cervix and trigeminal sensory receptive Fieldss of the face and caput. A functional convergence of sensory and motor fibres in the spinal accoutrement nervus and upper cervical nervus roots finally coverage with the falling piece of land of the trigeminal nervus might besides be responsible for cervical hurting. Cervical concern is a ââ¬Ëside-locked ââ¬Ë or one-sided fixed concern characterized by non throbbing hurting that starts in the cervix and spread to ipsilateral occulo- fronto temporal country. This hurting may be provoked by active cervix motion, inactive cervix positioning particularly in extension or extension with rotary motion toward the side of hurting or an applying digital force per unit area to involved facet parts or over ipsilateral greater occipital nervus. Muscular trigger points are normally found in the suboccipital, cervical, and shoulder muscular structure, and these trigger points can besides mention hurting to the caput when manually or physically stimulated. Diagnostic imagination such as skiagraphy, magnetic resonance imagination and computerized imaging can non corroborate the diagnosing of cervicogenic concern but can impart support to its diagnosing. One survey reported no incontrovertible difference in the visual aspect of cervical spinal column constructions on MRI scans when 24 patients with clinical characteristics of cervicogenic concern were compared with 20 control topics. Cervical phonograph record bulging was reported every bit in both groups. A laboratory rating may be necessary to seek for systemic diseases that may adversely impact musculuss.bones, or articulations ( arthritic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematous, thyroid or parathyroid upsets, primary musculus disease, etc ) . Flexion rotary motion trial steps motion at atlanto- axial articulation, which has been shown to be a likely beginning of hurting in patients with cervicogenic concern persons who have been diagnosed with cervicogenic concern show values runing from 20 ââ¬â 28 grades. Flexion rotary motion trial is a stable and quotable method of cervical spinal column scrutiny. It is dependable and has low measuring mistake if performed by an experient clinician ( Hall T, et al. , 2010 ) . Manipulation has often been used for the direction of dorsum and cervix ailments and is thought to ( 1 ) Free gesture sections that have undergone disproportionate supplanting ( or ) are felt to be hypomobile ( 2 ) cause musculus relaxation. These mechanisms are thought to be associated with distribution of unnatural emphasiss within the joint, ensuing in hurting, limitation of gesture and possible redness. Patient with cervicogenic concern will frequently hold altered neck position and restricted scope of gesture. Sustained Natural apophyseal Glide and chin-tuck exercising are the intercessions used to handle the cervicogenic concern in this survey. Sustained Natural apophyseal Glide is the mobilisation with active motion followed by inactive overpressure which should be applied to further increase the motion. Chin-tucks are the postural exercisings should execute early to forestall stiffness from developing and to guarantee the cervix is working right. 1.2 AIM AND NEED OF THE STUDY: ( 1 ) To happen the effectivity of sustained natural apophyseal semivowel in Cervicogenic concern ( 2 ) To happen the effectivity of sustained natural apophyseal semivowel with chin tuck exercising in cervicogenic concern. ( 3 ) To compare the effectivity of sustained natural apophyseal semivowel over sustained natural apophyseal semivowel with chin tuck exercising in cervicogenic concern. Cervicogenic concern is common and still controversial signifier of concern. The consequence of this survey will assist the physical therapist to choose the appropriate intervention process for better rehabilitation of these patients 1.3 STATEMENT OF THE STUDY: A comparative survey on ââ¬ËEffectiveness of sustained natural apophyseal semivowel over sustained natural apophyseal semivowel with chin tuck exercising in cervicogenic concern ââ¬Ë 1.4 Hypothesis: Null hypothesis There is no difference between the effectivity of sustained natural apophyseal semivowel over sustained natural apophyseal semivowel with chintuck exercising in cervicogenic concern. Alternate hypothesis There is important difference between the effectivity of sustained natural apophyseal semivowel over sustained natural apophyseal semivowel with chin tuck exercising in cervicogenic concern. 1.5 Operational Definition: Cervicogenic concern * The universe cervicogenic concern society ( 1998 ) defines, cervicogenic concern as, ââ¬ËReferred hurting perceived in primary nociceptive beginning in the musculoskeletal tissue innervated by cervical nervousnesss ââ¬Ë . These constructions may include musculuss, aspects, articulations, capsules, and ligaments of upper three cervical sections, nervousnesss, durameter, spinal cord or vertebral arteria. Cervical articulations have been recognized as a beginning of concern. Pain * International society of association for survey of hurting defines hurting as, unpleasant sensory and emotional experience due to existent or possible tissue harm or described in footings of harm ( Merskey and Bogduk, 1994 ) * An unpleasant esthesis that can run from mild, localized uncomfortableness to torment. Scope of gesture * The full gesture possible to the articulation is called the scope of gesture. 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Brent Harper ( 2009 ) made a survey on implementing grounds based medical specialty for cervicogenic concern and determined the efficiency of spinal use on patients with cervicogenic concern in relation to quality of life, strength and frequence of cervicogenic concern and articular mobility ( scope of gesture ) . Toby hall et Al ( 2007 ) made a survey on efficaciousness of a c1-c2 self-sustained natural apophyseal semivowel ( SNAG ) in the direction of cervicogenic concern on topics with outcome steps of Flexion Rotation scope and concern index questionnaire and reported the efficaciousness of SNAG in the direction of persons with cervicogenic concern. Ogince et Al ( 2007 ) made a survey and reported that cervical flexion-rotation trial has diagnostic cogency in c1 /2-related cervicogenic concern. Fernandez-des-las-penas C ( 2006 ) made a survey on methodological quality or randomized controlled test of spinal use and mobilisation in patient tenseness type concern, megrim and cervicogenic concern and reported the effectivity of spinal use and mobilisation in concern. Rodeghero et Al ( 2006 ) made a survey on possible function of manual physical therapy and specific exercising intercession in capable with cervicogenic concern, the patient demonstrated betterment with a sum of seven intervention Sessionss, outcome step used were Neck hurting disablement index mark and reported that these intercessions were effectual in rapidly bettering map and damages in patients with cervicogenic concern. Luke Eldrige et Al ( 2005 ) made a survey on the effectivity of cervical spinal column use and prescribed exercising in decrease of cervicogenic concern in capable with a 16 twelvemonth history of cervicogenic concern, the survey consisted of a three hebdomad base line informations aggregation stage, a 3 hebdomad osteopathic manipulative intervention stage and a 3 hebdomad place based exercising stage, outcome steps include ocular linear graduated table and concern journal which indicated a decrease in both strength of concern hurting and frequence. Mc Donnel et Al ( 2005 ) conducted a survey on intercession attack dwelling of a specific exercising plan and alteration of postural alliance for an person with cervicogenic concern and reported the prosperity in alleviating concern and bettering map of the patient. David M.Biondi et Al ( 2005 ) conducted a survey and reported the effectivity of curative exercising and manipulative intervention for cervicogenic concern which was non well affected by age, gender of concern chronicity in patients with moderate to severe hurting strength. Hall T and Robinson K ( 2004 ) made a survey of comparative measuring of flexion-rotation trial and active cervical mobility in cervicogenic concern and reported that topics with cervicogenic concern have an norm of 170 less rotary motion toward the concern side in flexure rotary motion trial. Peterson ( 2003 ) investigated the function of use and exercising over 8 hebdomad period in cervicogenic concern patient and reported a important betterment in concern parametric quantity at the decision of test. Jull et Al ( 2002 ) conducted a survey on randomized controlled test of exercising and manipulative therapy for cervicogenic concern and reported that manipulative therapy and exercising can cut down the symptoms of cervicogenic concern and use plus exercising was found to be superior to exert entirely. Sizer et Al ( 2002 ) published a retrospective instance study of 20 twelvemonth history of cervicogenic concern patient, the patient received a combined plan of use and exercising for a sum of 24 interventions over 3 month period and reported a important betterment in concern parametric quantities after the patient received the combined intervention plan of use and exercising. Whorton and Kegerreis ( 2000 ) made a survey on manual therapy and exercising in the intervention of cervicogenic concern patient informations was collected at a 6 months follow up, and five of 6 topics reported a statistically important betterment with intervention Watson and Trott et Al. ( 1999 ) performed quasi experimental cross sectional controlled diagnostic test and identified the deep cervical flexor musculus group as disfunction in cervicogenic concern patients. Mulligan ( 1999 ) described intercessions including ââ¬ËSNAGS ââ¬Ë technique find utile in reconstructing a loss of cervical ââ¬Ë rotary motions which is frequently associated with concern. Nilsson et Al ( 1995 ) conducted a randomized control test of topics comparing use of cervical spinal column with soft tissue massage and simulate optical maser intervention.It fail to make the statistical significance, once more in 1997, with extra topics performed the same test as in first survey and reported a important lessening in concern strength of a group received use. Schoense et Al ( 1995 ) conducted a survey of the consequence of mobilisation on cervical concern, voluntaries were medically cleared to take part, and these topics received 9 to 11 Sessionss of joint mobilisation and reported a important lessening in concern frequence, strength and continuance. Boline et Al. ( 1995 ) conducted a survey of spinal use Vs amitriptylline for the intervention of chronic concern and reported spinal use has long term good consequence than medicine. Nilsson ( 1995 ) conducted a survey on prevalence of cervicogenic concern in a random population sample of 20-59 twelvemonth olds and reported that cervicogenic concern appears to be comparatively common signifier of concern similar to migraine in prevalence. Karen Beeton and Gwendolen Jull ( 1994 ) investigated a plan of use and exercising on cervicogenic concern patient and reported a important betterment in concern parametric quantity 3. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 3.1 Study design The research design of this survey is experimental in nature, done on different topics with pre-test and station -test scenes. 3.2 Settings The survey was conducted in RVS infirmary. 3.3 Criteria for choice 3.4 Inclusion standards * Headache of cervical beginning * Age group of 20- 59 old ages * Both sexes * Positive flexure -rotation trial 3.5 Exclusion standards * Headache non of cervical beginning * Headache with autonomic Involvement, giddiness ( or ) ocular perturbation * inborn status of cervical spinal column * Contra indicant to manipulative therapy 3.6 Sample population 30 capable and 15 in each groups. 3.7 Method of choice Random sampling technique 3.8 Variables USED IN THE STUDY Independent variable * Sustained natural apophyseal semivowel * Chin tuck exercising Dependent variable * Pain * Range of gesture 3.9 METHODOLOGY Thirty samples selected from the population were divided into two equal group. The process was explained to subject. Both the group underwent a pre trial measuring of hurting strength and scope of gesture. * Group A was treated with sustained natural aphophyseal articulation semivowel * Group B was treated with sustained natural aphophyseal joint semivowel along with chin tuck exercising for 6 hebdomads. Hence both groups were treated and after 6 hebdomads measured hurting by ocular parallel graduated table and scope of gesture measured by goniometer. Technique 1. Sustained natural apophyseal semivowel Position of patient: posing Position of Therapist: standing behind the patient The patient was instructed to sit comfortably on a stool or chair. Therapists stand behind the patient. His or her caput was cradled between healer organic structure and right forearm if therapist bases on patient ââ¬Ës right side. The right index, center and pealing fingers wrap around the base of the occiput and the in-between phalanx of the small finger lies over the spiny procedure of cx2 the sidelong boundary line of the left thenar distinction lies over the right small finger. Pressure was applied in ventral way on the spiny procedure of cervical 2 while the skull remains still due to the control of healer right forearm. The truly soft traveling force to make this comes from healer left arm via the thenar distinction over the small finger on the spinal column of cx 2. The 2nd vertebra moves frontward on the first so the first vertebra moves frontward on the base of the skull.this motion should go on until the terminal scope is felt and this place was maintained for at least 10 seconds, this should be repeated for 6 to 10 times. Then learn the patient about self-headache sustained natural apophyseal semivowel by topographic point the manus towel around the spiny procedure of c2 and inquire the patient to procure it with the custodies and inquire the patient to take his or her caput backward without leaning, inquire the patient maintain for at least 10 seconds and repetition it for 6 to 10 times. Mechanism by which the-C1-C2 sustained natural apophyseal semivowel may hold reduced concern symptoms is by the neuromodulation consequence of joint mobilisation. In the gate control theory, stimulation of mechanoreceptors within the joint capsule and environing tissues causes an suppression of hurting at the spinal cord ; In add-on, falling pain-inhibitory systems may be activated, mediated by countries such as the periaqueductal grey of the mesencephalon. The terminal scope placement in rotary motion with the CI-C2 sustained natural apophyseal semivowel may prosecute these repressive systems and cut down hurting. Addition in cervical rotary motion scope on the functional rotary motion trial is that the CI-C2 sustained natural apophyseal semivowel decreased joint stiffness. Mobilization is thought to interrupt down adhesions and stretch environing tissues. That the betterment in rotary motion scope was immediate suggests that the consequence of the Cl-C2 sustained natural apophyseal semivowel technique is more likely related to a neurophysiological alteration in hurting transition instead than an consequence on joint stiffness. Basic Principles ââ¬Ë Treatment plane lying across the concave articular surface ââ¬Ë Application of accessary motion and patient generated active motions. ââ¬Ë During assessment the healer will place one or more comparable marks as described by Maitland. These marks may be a loss of joint motion, hurting associated with motion, or hurting associated with specific functional activities. ââ¬Ë Passive accoutrement joint mobilisation is applied following the rules of kaltenborn ( i.e. , parallel or perpendicular to the joint plane ) . This accessary semivowel must itself be pain free. ââ¬Ë The healer must continuously supervise the patient ââ¬Ës reaction to guarantee no hurting is recreated. Using the cognition of joint arthrology, a well-developed sense of tissue tenseness and clinical logical thinking, the healer investigates assorted combinations of analogue or perpendicular semivowels to happen the right intervention plane and.grade of motion. ââ¬Ë While prolonging the accoutrement semivowel, the patient is requested to execute the comparable mark. The comparable mark should now be significantly improved ( i.e. , increased scope of gesture and a significantly decreased or better yet, absence of the original hurting ) . ââ¬Ë Failure to better the comparable mark would bespeak that the healer has non found the right contact point, intervention plane, class or way of mobilization, spinal section or that the technique is non indicated. ââ¬Ë The antecedently restricted and/or painful gesture or activity is repeated by the patient while the healer continues to keep the appropriate accoutrement semivowel. Further additions are expected with repeat during a intervention session typically farther additions may be realised through the application of inactive overpressure at the terminal of available scope. It is expected that this overpressure is once more, unpainful. ââ¬Ë Involving three sets of 10 repeats. 2. Chin tucks Position of the patient: posing or standing Position of the healer: standing in forepart of the patient. Get down this exercising by sitting or standing tall with the patient ââ¬Ës dorsum and cervix directly, shoulders should be back somewhat. Ask the patient to insert the mentum until he/she experience a mild to chair stretch in cervix hurting ââ¬Ë free, teach the patient to maintain his/ her eyes and nose facing forwards during the motion and clasp for 2 seconds, which can be repeated for 10 times provided there is no addition in symptoms. Postural divergence associated with forward caput position at the atlanto occipital, atlanto axial articulations accompanied by flattening of lower cervical spinal column and possible reversal or flattening of mid cervical hollow-back. This place consequences in joint disfunction that leads to abnormal afferent information impacting the tonic cervix physiological reaction and promoting the gradual acceptance of a forward caput place. This cause compaction on craniocervical constructions because of compaction greater and lesser occipital nervousnesss contribute to prolongation of concern. Chin tuck exercising is the postural exercisings which corrects the forward caput position at that place by cut downing compaction on cranio cervical construction and decrease the concern 3.10 Measurement Tool * Visual parallel graduated table * Goniometer Visual parallel graduated table It consists of 10 cm horizontal line with two terminal points. One terminal was labeled as ââ¬Ëno hurting ââ¬Ë and another terminal labeled as ââ¬Ëmost terrible hurting ââ¬Ë . The patient was required to put grade letter writers to the degree of hurting strength that the patient felt. 0 centimeter 10 centimeter No hurting most terrible hurting The distance in centimeter from the low terminal of ocular parallel graduated table for patient ââ¬Ës hurting was as numerical index of badness of hurting. Goniometer The term goniometer comes from two Grecian words that mean ââ¬Ëangle ââ¬Ë and ââ¬Ëmeasure ââ¬Ë . It is an instrument which measures an axis and scope of gesture. It consists of two consecutive lengths of fictile stuff joined by a unit of ammunition subdivision with angle devising. One arm is stationary with regard to the cardinal subdivision and the other arm is movable for flexure ââ¬Ë rotary motion scope of gesture of cervix, topographic point the axis of goniometer over the vertex of the caput, line up the stationary arm of the goniometer along the stationary line of the organic structure and movable arm analogue to tip of the olfactory organ. The ask the patient to flex the caput forwards every bit far as possible without flexing the bole and ask of gesture, following the motion with the movable arm of the goniometer, do certain that stationary arm remains consecutive. Before expression at the reading, guarantee that arm of goniometer remain aligned with their seve ral limbs and record the measuring indicated on cardinal subdivision of goniometer. 4. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPREATION The information collected was subjected to paired't ââ¬Ë trial separately for group A and group B utilizing expressions. Formula 1: vitamin D = ? d/n Where, vitamin D = difference between pretest and posttest values vitamin D = is the average value of vitamin D n = is the figure of topics Formula 2: Standard divergence SD = Formula 3: Standard Error ( S.E ) = SD N ââ¬Ët ââ¬Ë calculated value = vitamin D S.E Formula 4: ââ¬Ët ââ¬Ë cal = vitamin D S.E Where, t cal is the T calculated value INDEPENDENT't ââ¬Ë Trial Formula 1: S= ( n1-1 ) s12 + ( n2-1 ) s22 n1+n2 -2 Where, s is the standard divergence n1 ââ¬â is the figure of capable in group A n2- is the figure of capable in group B s1 ââ¬â is the standard divergence of group A s2 is the standard divergence of group B Formula2 S.E = S 1/n12 + 1/n22 Where, s ââ¬â is the standard divergence S.E. ââ¬â is the standard mistake Formula 3 X1 ââ¬â X2 ââ¬Ët ââ¬Ë cal = S.E Where, X1 is the norm of difference in values between pretest and station trial X2 is the norm of difference in values between pretest and station trial Paired T trial [ comparing of pretest and posttest mean ] TABLE ââ¬â I 1. Trouble graduated table Capable In group A, the average ocular parallel graduated table pretest value was 7.8 and posttest value was 4.2.For 14 grade of freedom at 0.05 degree of significance, the T table value is 2.145 and T calculated value is 13.823, statistically important In group B, the average ocular parallel graduated table pretest value was 6.8 and posttest value was 2.86.For 14 grade of freedom at 0.05 degree of significance, the T table value is 2.145 and T calculated value is 21.299, statistically important TABLE- II 2. Scope of gesture Capable In group A, the average cervical flexure rotary motion scope of gesture pretest value was 26.13and posttest value was 29.13.For 14 grade of freedom at 0.05 degree of significance, the T table value is 2.145 and T calculated value is 15.370, statistically important In group B, the average cervical flexure rotary motion scope of gesture pretest value was 25.6and posttest value was 28.3.For 14 grade of freedom at 0.05 degree of significance, the T table value is 2.145 and T calculated value is 17.692, statistically important Independent ââ¬Ët ââ¬Ë trial TABLE- III 1. Trouble topic Sustained natural apophyseal semivowel Vs sustained natural apophyseal semivowel with chin tuck exercising The independent T trial value for hurting, 1.0064 is severally for 28 grade of freedom at 0.05 degree of significance and critical tabular array value is 2.048, hence there is no important difference in both the group TABLE- IV 2. Scope of gesture topic Sustained natural apophyseal semivowel Vs sustained natural apophyseal semivowel with chin tuck exercising The independent T trial value for scope of gesture, 1.0853 is severally for 28 grade of freedom at 0.05 degree of significance and critical tabular array value is 2.048, hence there is no important difference in both the group Interpretation OF DATA 1. Calculated value of mated ââ¬Ët ââ¬Ë trial for group A ( Pain ) = 13.823 2. Calculated value of mated ââ¬Ët ââ¬Ë trial for group B ( Pain ) = 21.299 3. Calculated value of mated ââ¬Ët ââ¬Ë trial for group A ( scope of gesture ) = 15.370 4. Calculated value of mated ââ¬Ët ââ¬Ë trial for group B ( scope of gesture ) = 17.692 5. Calculated value of independent ââ¬Ët ââ¬Ë trial for hurting = 1.0064 6. Calculated value of independent ââ¬Ët ââ¬Ë trial for scope of gesture = 1.0853 5. Result The pretest and posttest value of the groups were analyzed utilizing mated t trial and independent t trial. In group A, the average ocular parallel graduated table pretest value was 7.8 and posttest value was 4.2 for 14 grade of freedom at 0.05 degree of significance, the T table value is 2.145 and T calculated value is 13.823 which is greater than t value. In group B, the average ocular parallel graduated table pretest value was 6.8 and posttest value was 2.86 for 14 grade of freedom at 0.05 degree of significance, the T table value is 2.145 and T calculated value is 21.299 which is greater than t value. In group A, the average cervical flexure rotary motion scope of gesture pre trial value was 26.13and posttest value was 29.13 for 14 grade of freedom at 0.05 degree of significance, the T table value is 2.145 and T calculated value is 15.370 which is greater than t value. In group B, the average cervical flexure rotary motion scope of gesture pre trial value was 25.6and station trial value was 28.3 for 14 grade of freedom at 0.05 degree of significance, the T table value is 2.145 and T calculated value is 17.692 which is greater than t value. The independent t trial values for hurting, 1.0064 is severally for 28 grade of freedom at 0.05 degree of significance and critical tabular array value is 2.048, hence there is no important difference in both the group. The independent t trial values for scope of gesture, 1.0853 is severally for 28 grade of freedom at 0.05 degree of significance and critical tabular array value is 2.048, hence there is no important difference in both the group. From this survey we are accepting void hypothesis and rejecting alternate hypothesis. 6. Discussion Decrease in hurting strength was important in both the groups ( sustained natural apophyseal semivowel, chin tuck with sustained natural apophyseal semivowel ) . Pain alleviation in both the group occurred due to rectification of positional mistake and decreased emphasis in cervix constructions. Restricted flexure rotary motion scope of gesture is one of the cause for cervicogenic concern. The application of sustained natural apophyseal semivowel and chin tuck along with sustained natural apophyseal semivowel facilitated the addition in scope of gesture. There was statistically important betterment in cervical flexure rotary motion scope of gesture and lessening in hurting on last twenty-four hours of intervention in both the group, but there was no important difference between the groups. 7. Suggestion * The survey can be done in big samples * Study can be carried out for longer period of continuance * It can be applied for patient with cervix hurting and stiffness with no arm motion * Can be applied for low back hurting due to lumbar joint engagement * Control group can be added Restriction * The survey was done for a short span * This survey was applied for age group 20 -59 old ages * This survey was done merely on patient with positive flexure rotary motion trial 8. Decision The survey was conducted with an purpose to compare the effectivity of sustained natural apophyseal semivowel and sustained natural apophyseal semivowel along with chin tuck exercising. Both these intercessions are utile in handling cervicogenic concern in concern of hurting and addition in cervical flexure rotary motion scope of gesture. Thus it was concluded that there was important lessening in hurting and addition in cervical flexure rotary motion scope of gesture in both the group. But there was no important difference between the groups.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Activist Judges on the American Political system
In the Kelo vs. the city of New London case the decision made was that the municipal development statute that was behind the taking of the land was correct as it was part of projects of economic developmentà i.e. public use of property for the best public interest.This decision is such that if it is taken as a precedent in future cases, private property can be confiscated by the government under the guise of economic development and given to other is seen as a contravention of the rights guaranteed in the American constitution which guarantee the sanctity to personal property.According to David Forte, Many problems come up in the relation of the judicial system and political system in the United States (Forte 1).à The justices who dissented to the ruling were guided by this principle concerning private one of the justices who dissented to the ruling is Justice Oââ¬â¢Connor whose views as a Supreme Court justice have been dissented to in many circles.Her liberal views on feder alism, affirmative action gender, religion etc have been the source of controversies. Together with her were other four dissenting justices who were guided by justice for the citizens. This is partly to be found in a pragmatic approach to issues of jurisprudence.In the midst of all the controversy surrounding this decision of the Supreme Court is the fact that dissentions are done with the American dream at heart. For instance, the seizure of private land by the local government for private development can be greatly abused.A well developed neighborhood for residential houses may be demolished to create space for development of private shopping area. The justices who see the danger in the decision work towards Americas self discovery and transformation.The case has been a source of the judges who rule in disfavor of the government policies to be called activist judges. This has been a term that has grown over the years (Activist par.5). The cause of this sort of victimiza tion is the ruling hat is not popular with the state and no doubt it is state machinery that is behind the propaganda of activist judges. In the real sense the judges perform their duties according to the law.ConclusionIt can be seen that there is blackmail on those judges who donââ¬â¢t toe the line of the political elite in the country; calling them political activists is one of the politicianââ¬â¢s tactics to achieve cheap victories in courts.The freedom of the judicial system needs to be secured from such attacks like this because they may interfere with the role of the justice department of checking the other arms of the government. Those judges who are branded the name activists should not yield to this intimidation so as to keep the fire of justice burning.Works cited Forte, David. The Supreme Court in American Politics: Judicial Activism vs. Judicial Restraint, Heath, University of Michigan, 1972. +system
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A Year Down Yonder
A year Down Yonder is about a girl named Mary Alice who goes to live with her Grandma in a small town with only her cat Bootsie and her potable radio that she says is her last touch with the world. This chapter is called Rich Chicago Girl. Mary Alice gets off a train from Chicago. After they leave the station Grandma enrolls her into school on the first day she arrives! Mary Alice sits next to Mildred Burdick who Grandma says to stay clear of but gets into deep trouble with and her horse ends up losing her horse and having to walk miles to get home. And thatââ¬â¢s the end of this chapter. The 2nd chapter is Vittles nââ¬â¢ Vengeance.It was Halloween time in grandmaââ¬â¢s town which meant pranks going for weeks and half the privies are going to be on the ground be the time Columbus Day is over. There was a letter sent out from the school saying there is going to be a party and to bring refreshments. The first prank that had happened to them was when they put twine around her t ail and put a can at the end. Grandma made a horrid smelling glue to use on the pranksters and we set off to make a trap, we waited in the cob house for the pranksters to come and when they did they fell over the wire and the leader got glue on his head and he fell on his nose and lost his knife.We went to old man Nyquistââ¬â¢s house for pecans but he says we can only have pecans off the ground so grandma drives his tractor into the tree so pecans would fall! They also went into the Pensingers backyard to take some pumpkins! At the party Grandma served pumpkin and pecan pies and when Augie Fluke came for some grandma saw Augie with his broken nose, his scabbed bald head, and served him with his own knife. And thatââ¬â¢s the end of this chapter. The name of this chapter is A Minute in the Morning. This chapter is about Armistice Day and of the turkey shoot.At the turkey shoot the woman are selling burgoo and the men are practicing shooting turkeys. Grandma tries to make the ric her people pay more and let the poor people not have to pay at all. All the money is said to go to charity and this year Miss Abernathy is the charity. At a certain time in the day everyone put their hand over their heart, stood east, and thought about the people who died for us. That was the end of their day. The 4th chapter is Away in a manger. It is Christmas time in grandmaââ¬â¢s town and the school is going to do a Christmas program at the church.Grandma and Mary Alice went out to trap fox but even though Mary Alice doesnââ¬â¢t like the trapping and the screams of the fox she doesnââ¬â¢t want Grandma alone. Mary got the part of Mary for the Christmas program. During the Christmas program the baby Jesus screams, but itââ¬â¢s supposed to be a doll, the baby is a Burdick. Joey came to visit for Christmas! They had a great Christmas. Hearts and Flour is the name of this chapter. It starts out with Mrs. Weidenbach asking Grandma to make cherry tarts for the DAR because W ashington birthday tea.There is going to be a valentine exchange at the school and there is also a new boy named Royce and everyone has a little crush on him. The next day when Mrs. Weidenbach comes again Grandma says that the party has to be at her house or she can by some cherry tarts. At the valentine exchange Ina-Rae got three more valentines than anyone else and one of them is from Royce and that makes Carleen go ballistic. At the party Grandma is really dressed up and Mrs. Willcox and Aunt Mae Grizzwald were there. When everyone was there it turned into a disaster because Mrs. Weidenbach found out that she is a Burdick!Thatââ¬â¢s the end of that chapter. A Dangerous Man is the 6th chapter. It is March and Mary Alice is 16 and she got a dollar from her mother. One day Bootsie showed Mary Alice her kitten and Mary Alice named it April. A man came by one day and asked if he could rent a room and Grandma charged him $2. 50 a day! Mary Alice wanted Royce to come over to ââ¬Å"s tudyâ⬠math together and he said OK. When he got there they heard a scream from the attic and out came Maxine Patch with only a snake around her and a flower in her hair and then Royce left. That was a crazy chapter. Finally my favorite chapter Gone With the Wind.School is almost out and out of nowhere the siren on the water tower went off and Mary Alice didnââ¬â¢t know what was happening. Everyone was heading towards the basement Mary Alice saw Grandma and had to make sure she was ok. They were both inside and Grandma told Mary Alice to go to the south west corner and we were both sitting down when Grandma let go of Bootsie and April. Grandma said that after Mary Alice leaves sheââ¬â¢s going to turn it into a rooming home. Thatââ¬â¢s the end of that chapter. The last chapter is Ever After. When Royce and Mary Alice get married at Grandmaââ¬â¢s house. They lived happily ever after.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Gandhi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Gandhi - Essay Example Gandhi was a man who had humbled his adversaries with his simplicity of character and personality and had fought for the rights of the common man. Gandhi was born on 3 October, 1969 in Porbandar, Gujarat in India, when it was under the British rule. After completing his early education in India, he went to England for his law studies and became a barrister. He went to South Africa to practice law and there he realized that black people were not considered at par with the whites and were treated like dirt and considered for menial work only. He was appalled and his sense of justice violated. He took up the cudgel to fight for the equal rights for all human being and became an instant hit with the people with his advocacy for fighting the tyranny of the whites with his non violent movement which led to blacks to gain some rights of human dignity in South Africa. After this, Gandhi, along with wife Kasturba and three sons, returned to his own country and started working for the rights and freedom of his people of India. Gandhi was a man who led by example. When he came back to India, he realized that majority of the Indian people live in villages and who are poor. He also discarded his worldly goods and started living like them in simple clothes and doing all types of work himself. His family also followed suit and it became easier for the common man to identify himself with Gandhi, who then started calling him ââ¬ËBapuââ¬â¢ meaning their father. Other leaders like Nehru, Patel, Gokhale, Kriplani, Jinnah etc. who had formed ââ¬ËNational Congress Partyââ¬â¢ to fight against the British rule, welcomed Gandhi but initially, they too, were not convinced in his principle for non violence. Gandhiââ¬â¢s beliefs in the basic human values that decried violence ultimately persuaded the congress leaders to adopt non violence in their political agenda. Gandhi was a simple but a shrewd politician. His fundamental conviction in non violence and his inherent
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Viking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Viking - Essay Example Simpson (1967, p11) propounds, "In medieval Scandinavian languages, a vikingr is a pirate, a freebooter who seeks wealth either by ship-borne raids on foreign coasts or by waylaying more peaceful seafarers in home waters. There is also an abstract noun viking, meaning 'the act of going raiding overseas'". This definition hints to the historic approach of delineating the term Viking by referring to them as the looters and raiders of the lands of Scandinavia. It takes one to an era in history when Europe was under constant attack of these raiders often referred to as Vikings. These people were pirates by nature and looted the wealth of most of the British coastal lands including England, Scotland, Ireland and Netherlands etc. However, this approach does not identify all of the people from Scandinavia as the Viking, rather it points to certain activities as raiding, pirating and plundering to identify them. Hence, a Viking according to this definition is a person engaged in brutal attac ks at the foreign lands by the seaways in the quest of wealth contained in those areas. Gibson (1987, pp11-15) also relates to the word 'Viking' as those pirates who were born to fight, made to break and fostered for bloodshed. Hence he refers to the era when a great part of Europe was under the raid of the Vikings coming mainly from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. He says, "The Vikings are a mighty nation with huge bodies and great courage. They do not know the meaning of the word defeat, they never turn their backs on their enemies, but slay or are slain". This definition is a bit closer to the one presented at first and only different in the sense that it ties the term not with individuals but with a nation or a race of people with regard to the historical event during 750 and 1066 C.E. Gibson (1987) signifies the term Viking with those sturdy people of Scandinavia who were fearless and stood bravely in the face of war and death. They considered warfare as a symbol of courageousness and even associated these feats with their religious faiths. The connection between these two definitions is that both relate to history and illuminate the term in its specific context. The same people and the same individuals indulged in raiding Europe in retrospective. Whatever might be their objectives, circumstances and consequences; they were driven by the availability of wealth in specific areas of Europe leading them to brutal invasions. After having learnt the basic definition of the word Viking or assessing the idea encompassed with its usage, one also comes across some contradictory views on its illustration. Goldsmith (2004) illuminates that the word 'Viking' is misunderstood many times owing to the history that encompasses the word. She says that some might associate the term with violence, brutality and savagery, while in the linguistic sense it means simply a 'merchant or a warrior'. Therefore, the term 'Viking' simply means someone who travels or an alien. In other words, she attempts to state that the word does not necessarily indicate someone brutal or vicious. It simply signifies that if the term 'Viking' is to be taken in pure linguistic form, irrespective of the history associated, it plainly refers to a traveller rather than a brutal tribesman or a raider of North. Conclusion All the above-mentioned definitions and approaches concerning the term Viking, apart from its linguistic sense, refer to the tribesmen of North who were mainly
Organizational Behavior & Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Organizational Behavior & Leadership - Essay Example One of the major concerns prevailing in the company is that there is no expert in conducting professional performance evaluation. The previous engineer was very expert in conducting the evaluation, but he has left the company due to clashing personalities. The plant manager, presuming that he or others in the company, may not be able to conduct the evaluation, is thinking to skip the annual performance review, and this seems to be another big concern in the company. What makes him think of skipping the review was that the previous engineer left the company claiming that there would be none to do annual performance evaluation. In the current evaluation form of the company, another serious concern is taking decision regarding rating the engineers. The engineer feels friendliness as superior and he therefore would give medium rating on that aspect. Moreover, giving rating on personal qualities and attitudes also will be quite difficult for the engineer. In performance evaluation, the ma nagement should evaluate an employeeââ¬â¢s outcomes such as quantities he produced, scraps he generated etc. Management is also expected to evaluate the behaviour of employees especially when they face difficulty to evaluate and identify the contribution of each group member. The third criteria is trait whereby individual traits are to be identified and evaluated. Traits such as attitude works, confidence in completing the tasks, dependence, being busy in work, positive approach etc are therefore related to various work tasks and they are to be evaluated by the management. Advantages and disadvantages of including supervisors, peers and subordinates in the performance evaluation Out of various performance evaluation methods in place today, 360-degree feedback is getting wider popularity among organizations. 360-degree method of evaluation is a latest approach to evaluating the performance from all different customers of an employee. A customer of an employee can be any or all of the manager, supervisors, bosses, peers, friends, clients, subordinates etc. Though present engineers in the case study scenario were not experienced in performance evaluation, they are confident in conducting 360-degree evaluation and they even found that it will be an effective technique for analyzing and evaluating the performance of engineers in the company. The main aim of 360-degree evaluation method is to pool the feedback from all of the customers of an employee. His customers are top manager, other levels of managers, suppliers, subordinates, clients, peers and other department representatives. By adopting the 360-degree performance evaluation, the organization hoping to give everyone a sense of participation in reviewing and evaluation processes and this in turn helps the manager gain more accurate information about the performance of employees (Robbins and Judge, 2011, p. 567). While adopting this method, engineers in the company, for instance, may be able to gain opinion s from various groups in relation to how is the work outcomes, attitudes, behaviour and traits of a particular employee. Many organizations that adopt 360-degree evaluation donââ¬â¢t spend sufficient time in training and educating the parties
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Marketing strategies, tactics and techniques Essay
Marketing strategies, tactics and techniques - Essay Example This is already faster than the normal speed of cars available in the market at present. It is equipped with capabilities that limit the acceleration into 155mph that electronically safeguards the person driving thus avoiding cataclysmic effects of speed in accidents. Question here is, can this be available to ordinary consumers earning meager income enough to support a family of three Or is this limited only for those who can afford the luxury of buying expensive cars like that of BMWs As Steve Job would say, is the cost effective enough to be accessible to the ordinary masses Or will they be confined to subways and busses I believe that consumers nowadays are better equipped with options and better judgement this is why advertisement gets a bigger chunk of investments. In the end, no matter how popular the product may be , it would still boil down to what is necessary and therefore price is not the only consideration here. With gas prices increasing unpredictably, shoppers would go for the best value for their money. In as far as economic stability staggers due to the erratic trend of gas prices, sellers are at the same time on their toes for tough competition.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
MANAGING INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP ( Take home exam) - Essay Example ar, the team had been able to propose three major new products; they also proposed a new strategy for addressing and treating infection through a revolutionary approach. The key factors that account for the success of this innovative approach to innovation deserve closer scrutiny. A key factor in 3Mââ¬â¢s innovative approach is the extraordinary emphasis it gives to information which is collected from its productsââ¬â¢ users. The conventional method involves research teams analyzing sales data, field reports, and complaints or requests from customers; thereafter, in-house developers brainstorm for the solution. At 3M, the lead user process involves the gathering of information through an approach that differs essentially from the traditional, because it seeks data not only on the needs but also on the solutions to these needs. It does not acquire its data from the center of the target market, but elicits responses mainly ââ¬Ëfrom the leading edges of [the] companyââ¬â¢s target market and from markets that face similar problems in a more extreme formââ¬â¢ (Hippel, Thomke, and Sonnack, 1999, p. 47). Lead users refer to the experts on the ââ¬Ëleading edge of the target marketââ¬â¢ (p.49) ââ¬â that is, those who take a serious interest in the use of the particular product, are more experienced, and would tend to make it their business to examine and form a thorough and grounded perspective on the product, its technology, and the objective which that product is intended to achieve. The success of a lead user approach presents a crucial challenge ââ¬â how to effectively identify the lead users from the mass of users. So much of this approach hinges on the viewpoints and suggestions of a concentrated few of the broad spectrum of users, not only on their needs but also on likely solutions. Therefore, if the research team recommends solutions which are pursued by the design team that have emanated from the wrong set of users (i.e., non-lead users), then the recommendations may
Monday, September 23, 2019
Long Term Relationships Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Long Term Relationships - Assignment Example This essay discusses that specifically talking about contract financing or monetizing, there are numerous methods for contract financing. Advance payments involve the payment of money to the contractor by the government before any services or goods have been received. By doing so, the government anticipates performance by the contractor under one or more contracts thereby liquidating them from payments. Since this method of payment is not performance oriented, it differs from other modes of payment that are performance-based. Advance payments are usually employed as a method to pay prime contractors so that they may pay subcontractors. Progress payments, as the name suggests, involves the payment of money as the work progresses and costs are incurred along the way. However, this progress does not include payments based on completion of certain stages, partial deliveries, partial payments in case of contract termination, and performance oriented payments. Legal and financial governmen t institutions such as the Federal Reserve Bank may also guarantee loans to individuals so that contractors are financed in order to pay for the acquisition of goods and services. Such financing mainly comes from the private sector under the terms of the contract. Under particular statutes, progress payments for the completion of a certain stage are authorized which is used under agency procedures as a method of payment.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Fascism and communism Essay Example for Free
Fascism and communism Essay The term fascism refers to a modern political thought that seeks to rejuvenate the economic, cultural and social status of a nation by basing the country on a sensitive sense of ethnic identity and national belonging. Fascism is opposed to certain liberal ideas such as individual rights and freedom; it calls for the destruction of legislatures, elections among other democratic elements. Despite the fact that fascism some goals which can be considered to be idealistic, attempts to come up with fascists societies have in most cases resulted into persecutions and wars which have claimed millions of lives. Thus it is in most cases associated with strongly with racism, violence, totalitarianism and the right wing of fanaticism. On the other hand communism is a universal society which has been able to overcome all classes and their distinctions; all the relations and systems of exploitation have been abolished; all social institutions which are oppressive and are used to enhance inequality such as men domination over women and racial discrimination are all done away with (Brown, Para 3) Fascism Fascism was founded by veterans of world war one led by Benito Juarez Mussolini who had been fed up by decisions being made by the government of Italy and the treaty which expressly excluded the land gains made by Italy. This form of government essentially is a form of dictatorship which results in pride of the nation commonly referred to as nationalism. Fascism is not totalitarian rule despite the fact that the fascist from Italy described it in that manner, by comparing it to Russia which was a communist state and Nazi in Germany. Fascism in Italy was a form of government which was not as cruel and strict as communism in Russia. Fascism helps in the development of extreme advances in agricultural practices, industrialization, national security and population growth. It is anti communism or socialism, pro elitism and pro productivism. In this form of government decisions are made promptly as solutions are simplified and at the same time problems are solved properly and swiftly. Many governments borrowed the fascism thoughts from Mussolini, who is referred as the father of fascism by all the fascists (Brown, Para 5). Fascism was developed because of the intellectual revolution and social changes that happened in the western countries in the twentieth century. It was an original and a modern thought that pressed for change and a new approach of governing among Europeans young people who refused to follow the middle rank values of their parents. Fascism as an ideology represents nationalism synthesis which simply implies that one is highly devoted to his own country. It also calls for the rejection of liberalism, Marxism, democracy and materialism opinions also held by the socialists. Fascism is pro political rule in its absolute form through political leaders; it is opposed to the idea of important decisions being made by common people as it is the case in ideal democratic governance. The central government of the state has the responsibility of holding high the fascist values and also making of vital decisions for the entire nation. Fascism attempts to bring about new civilization, which is based on the entire community. In this case the, all the classes and sectors of people within the community will be in a position to look for their niche. The whole nation is thus strengthened and revitalized. Each person in the community will in turn be more less a cell as far as the community organism is concerned. The fascism mode of governance also poses a revolution which can be compared to the spiritual revolution (Brown, Para 8) In maintaining the unity of a country, fascism applies two instruments, that is, totalitarianism and corporatism. In a state that is corporative, its social, economical and political powers are in the hands corporations, the group of these corporations comprises of both the employees and the employers. The group of corporations in this case is mandated with the task of settling social classesââ¬â¢ differences and also planning the national economy. In a state that is totalitarian, the central government has absolute control and it has the duty of intervening at any point and every aspect of the life of an individual (Brown, Para 10) Communism Communism form of government on the other hand results into a state that operates under a single party and is based on the Marxism Leninism or its derivatives. Although, the states under communism can have many political parties, only the communist party is under the constitution guaranteed to play a central role in the communist government. This makes the stateââ¬â¢s institutions to be highly intertwined with the communist party. In most cases the communist states adopts the economic policies that are centrally planned, these states are thus related to economic development in both scholarship and popular thought. Legitimacy in communist states is mainly maintained through claims of promoting national long tern interests. The communist parties attempt to justify their political and monopoly powers by claiming to follow the objectives of the historical statutes. They therefore, consider political dissent and opposition to be treasonous and counter productive. The minor parties in communist states have to follow the communist party. Such parties are only allowed to criticize the future policies which have been proposed, but such criticism should not in any way jeopardize the political system as it is under the communist state. The states under communism are commonly criticized due to their totalitarian and dictatorship of one party in the control of the society and the national economy. It results into a state where the civil liberties of the citizens are repressed, its economic policies mainly emphasize on heavy industrialization to the detriment of those oriented to the production of consumer goods which creates an acute shortage of essential products and in most cases results into a national famine. The communist form of government uses propaganda and militarism in its attempt to cover up its evils. Communist societies experience very high fixed costs with minimal uncertainty. The countries under communism can only have their economies growing under the conditions of stable environments when they are likely to experience reduced marginal cost. They have a lot of difficulties in adjusting in the event of a swift change in the environment since they are quite rigid. The communist states, the economic policies are centrally planned and commanded. Conclusion The fascism form of government results on the good of the entire nation which is clearly not the case for communism. Nationalism is not enhanced under communism and the government represses the civil liberties of its citizens, the communist state also uses militarism and propaganda to hide the evils it has created, this is not the case under the fascism where the nationalism takes center stage and the citizens have a strong sense of belonging. Fascism is not as cruel and strict as compared to communism which uses military dictatorship and suppresses all other political parties in the state thus denying their followers any tangible contribution in their country which implies that nationalism is not enhanced at all. Fascism form of governance is thus much better compared to communism.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Prefrontal Cortex The Very Front Of The Brain Psychology Essay
Prefrontal Cortex The Very Front Of The Brain Psychology Essay The Prefrontal Cortex is the very front of the brain, located right beneath the forehead and is the anterior region of the frontal lobe. The prefrontal cortex is a very important area in the brain and is the most susceptible to injury. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for the functions of decision making, whether right or wrong, working memory, personality expression and cognitive behaviors. The prefrontal cortex has major neurotransmitters that are involved directly in its proper functioning for example, glutamate and dopamine. The prefrontal cortex can be affected by diseases for example, Parkinsons disease and Schizophrenia. The prefrontal cortex is among the last regions of the brain to develop therefore its functions and disorders are still being researched. The prefrontal lobe is connected to the anterior region of the frontal lobe. The prefrontal lobe volume increases slowly until the age of eight, then a prefrontal growth spurt increases in between the ages of eight and fourteen years. In contrast with other brain areas the prefrontal cortex is one of the last region to development therefore the functions and disorders are not immediately apparent (Kanemura 195). As studied in an experiment called the Somatic Marker Hypothesis one can infer some of the prefrontal cortex functions. Although these experiments have been performed the results do not apply to the entire prefrontal cortex. A prefrontal cortex function in the human brain is decision making and human reasoning. Some of the decision making depends on consciousness and overt cognition where as others do not. Those processes that depend on conscious and cognition are dependent on the sensory images that are directly coordinated to the early activity of cortices. All of the dependent processes of consciousness and cognition regardless of the imagery are dependent on support processes for example, attention and working memory. Further studies demonstrate that damage to the prefrontal cortex prohibits the use of the somatic signals necessary for guiding decision making in an advantageous direction (Bechara 428). In addition to decision making being a main function working memory is equally an important function. These functions have been assessed and results demonstrate that their functions come from different and distinct areas of the prefrontal cortex. While decision making processes occur in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, working memory processes occur in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Short-term memory is the type of working memory in relationship to prefrontal cortex (Humana Press 204) Prefrontal Cortex Neurotransmitters A neurotransmitter is a chemical substance released by neurons that send nerve impulses from one cell to the next in the nervous system. A major neurotransmitter in the prefrontal cortex is Glutamate. Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and is the most abundant amino acid in the diet. In the prefrontal cortex glutamate is associated with cognitive function. In schizophrenic patients abnormal levels of glutamate impair cognitive function. Another major neurotransmitter involved in the function of the prefrontal cortex is dopamine. Dopamine is commonly associated with parts of the brain that stimulate pleasure, which provide enjoyment and reinforcement to enforce a person proactively to perform certain activities. Reduced levels of dopamine impair working memory in the prefrontal cortex (Damasio 1413). Diseases that affect the Prefrontal Cortex Parkinsons disease and schizophrenia are two diseases that affect the prefrontal cortex. In both of the disorders the reduction of dopamine to the prefrontal cortex impairs working memory. Conversely, increasing dopamine levels in patients with these diseases improves their performance of test that utilizes their working memory. Parkinsons disease has been considered a paradigm of degenerative diseases of the nervous system characterized by motor impairment due to malfunction and loss of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta. Recent clinical data shows modifications in behavior, personalilty changes, and cognitive impairment that lead to dementia. (Ferrer 89) Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that is characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality. In Schizophrenia working memory and cognitive deficits are in association with prefrontal cortex dysfunction. (Manoach 285) Conclusion In conclusion, the prefrontal cortex is an important region of the frontal lobe that functions in decision making, cognitive behaviors, working memory, and personality expression. The prefrontal lobe has major neurotransmitters that assist in the communication of impulses from cell to cell throughout the nervous system. The reduction of those neurotransmitters in the prefrontal cortex may lead to diseases that affect the important functions of the cortex. The prefrontal lobe is one of the last regions of the brain to develop therefore leaving scientist with many research questions about its functions and possible disorders it may cause.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Properties of Some Ayurvedic Bhasmas
Properties of Some Ayurvedic Bhasmas Investigation of Structure, Microbiological and Cytotoxic Properties of Some Ayurvedic Bhasmas Introduction Ayurveda is the traditional Hindu medicine system practiced extensively in South Asia. In Sanskrit, the word Ayurveda is basically made of two components, Ayush life and Veda science and knowledge. This states clearly that science of life is Ayurveda. From ancient period Ayurvedic medicine is in use with the objectives: i) to enhance health status physically, mentally and spiritually free of illness and ii) to cure disease with the help of natural diet, medicine. In ancient period if people get sick and injured there was a trend of use of medicine which is also known as folk medicine. Use of Bhasmas as Ayurvedic medicine has been known from as an alternative medicine. Use of traditional medicine includes Ayurveda, Ancient Iraninan, Korean and African medicine. But recently WHO has noticed that use of these medicines in inappropriate way may give some negative and toxic results. And research work is to be done for its safety and ascertinity. These days microorganisms are common org anisms for causing disease (Shubha Hiremath, 2010). Some of them can be cured with daily hygienic processes but most of them can be removed and recovered with the use of medicines. Ayurveda is the traditional Hindu medicine system practiced extensively in South Asia. Ayurvedic medicine has wide range of composition, which also includes Bhasmas. Literally, Bhasma is something that is obtained from the process of calcination. Generally, calcination and incineration of any gem or metal substance is performed to prepare such formulations and used in any medicinal purpose as Ayurvedic medicine (Kumar Pal, 2015). The Bhasmas are prepared from metals like gold, silver, iron, lead, mercury and arsenic and so on (see Tables 1 and 2). Metal constituent are supposed to have positive impact to human health through Ayurvedic perspective. However, in modern synthetic medicine heavy metal are considered toxic. The objective of this study is to test the impacts of these drugs on growth of microorganism. Lead, mercury and arsenic is considered as the harmful compound that may lead to different kinds of disease especially cancer (Patra, Bhattacharya, Mukhopadhyay, Mukherjee, 2010). The aim in this work is to analyze the selected Bhasma drugs with respect to their structure, perform their antimicrobial susceptibility tests and also to analyze the cytotoxic effect towards the cell lines. Furthermore, if there is any antimicrobial and cytotoxic behavior of the drugs, the attempts will be made to answer the following questions: Is the given Bhasmas effect related to the presence of heavy metal compound? Is the effect the result of other materials that has been added for the preparation of that Ayurvedic Bhasma? Table 1. Some of the Bhasmas intended to be studied in the proposed work S. No. Name of Bhasma Content (metal) 1 Parad Mercury 2 Hartal Arsenic 3 Manoshila Arsenic 4 Naag Lead 5 Shisak Lead 6 Kajjali Mercury 7 Ras sindur Mercury 8 Kajjali Mercury 9 Jasada Zinc 10 Loha Iron 11 Rajat Silver 12 Sworna Gold Tabl 2: Some Bhasmas that are produced by calcination of corresponding mineral compounds S. No. Name Source 1 Coury Cowry shell 2 Abraka Mica 3 Muga Coral 4 Sankha Conch shell 5 Sipi Oyster shell 6 Moti Pearl shell Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine dating back to 5000BC. Literally the science of life, it uses animal, plant, mineral and metal based medicines to cure diseases. (Barve, Mashru, Jagtap, Pargiri, Prajapati, 2011) (Patwardhan Mashelkar, 2009) A part of Ayurveda called Rasasatra is concerned with drugs of the metal-mineral origin, their processing technique, properties and therapeutic applications (Sarkar, Das, Prajapati, 2010). In Ayurveda, the drugs with mineral origin are considered more effective than those of animal and plant origin. Generally, metal minerals in the original form are toxic, non-absorbable and dont have medicinal significance. Therefore, are transformed by various standard protocols before being used as drug. Pharmaceuticals with the metal minerals origin are called Bhasmas. Bhasmas is a calcined powder of mineral, metal, gems (Sangale, Suryawanshi, Chikate, Khot, 2014). Sworna (Gold) Bhasmas, Rajata (Silver) Bhasmas, Tamra (Copper) Bhasma, Loha (Iron) Bhasmas, Jasada (Zinc) Bhasmas and ashes of the minerals like Caury (cowry shells), Muga (corals), Sankha (conch shell), Sipi (oyster shell) and others have been extensively used as Bhasmas in Ayurvedic medicine (Adhikari, 2014) (Krishnamachary, et al., 2012) (Sarkar, Das, Prajapati, 2010) (Wadekar, Rode, Bendale, Patil, Prabhune, 2005). The importance of the proper dose and way of administration of Ayurvedic drugs has been studied. It has been found that improper application of the Bhasmas lead to the death of the patients. The death is due to the accumulation of the heavy metals in the soft cells (Sarkar, Das, Prajapati, 2010) (Kapoor, 2010). However, heavy metals are drugs if they are supplied within recommended limits on their labels for plant and animal. Preparation methods determine the therapeutic efficiency as well as level of toxicity of the Bhasmas (Nagarajan, Rajan, Krishnan, Sethuraman, 2014). Formulation of Bhasmas based on standard protocol reveals nanostructured morphology. These metallic nanoparticles are taken along with milk, butter, honey, ghee which eliminate their harmful effects and intensify their biocompatibility (Formulation, 2014). Jasada Bhasma has been used for treatment of diabetes, arthritis and tuberculosis. Rajata Bhasma is used to cure muscles wasting, brain diseases and nervous disorder. Similarly, Sworna Bhasma is used for arthritis and rheumatoid (Adhikari, 2014) (Patwardhan Mashelkar, 2009). These are the ancient formulation of the metal and minerals based drugs in Ayurveda. In modern medicine, the trend of the using the metal nanoparticle is increasing for curing diseases. Modern nanoparticles through a several chemical modifications are used in the preparation of the nanodrugs. Recent trend on modern medicine shows that nanoparticles from gold, silver, iron, zinc can be used against several chronic diseases. Gold nanoparticles have high therapeu tic potential to fight against cancer and act as drug delivery vehicles (Khan, Vishakante, Siddaramaiah, 2013) (Dobrovolskaia McNeil, 2007) (Patra, Bhattacharya, Mukhopadhyay, Mukherjee, 2010). Therefore, the systematic studies of the many Bhasmas are still behind the horizon. Such Bhasmas may have potential for higher therapeutic values for curing chronic diseases. So, to investigate the science behind the different Ayurvedic Bhasmas, in particular with respect to their structiure-properties correlations, and their medicinal values will be the topic of the proposed project. The proposed research will encompass different interesting questions which will be attempted to solve in the course of the study. What is the physico-chemical and microscopic structure of the given Bhama? Is it a kind of nanomedicine with respect to its structure? What is the real chemical compositions? How do Bhasmas differ with respect to their microbiological effects on the human body? Will the Bhasma show significant cytotoxic effect only towards diseased cells? How will the normal cell lines respond? Can a correlation be established between the structure and properties of the Bhasmas? Although heavy metals have proved poisonous effects and have a predominantly unfavorable reputation in the modern scientific society, these have been used as pharmaceutical agents since first century B.C. Traditional literature like Rasatarangini, Charaksamita, Rasratnasammuchaya compiled the processing, manufacturing and therapeutic application of heavy metal containing drugs. Different studies show that formulation with heavy metal has toxic effect. The toxicity level depends upon various factors such as processing of raw materials, method and amount of consumption. Heavy metals with nanoscopic structure are generally absorbable inside cell. Recent trend also shows that nanoparticles of gold, arsenic, silver have pharmaceutical potentiality. Thats why well documented study on Bhasmas prepared from heavy metals is needed for their appropriate use as well as for the proper understanding of their structure-properties relationships. Preliminary works have been performed in a variety of Ayurvedic drugs including some drugs comprising Arsenic compounds (Harital) by the research group comprising the some of these members of the present consortium (Panta, Bhandari and Lamsal, and Adhikari 2017). Microscopic, spectroscopic and antibacterial tests were performed on some of the drugs. The compounds exhibited quite strong antibacterial activities again gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Nanomechanical aspects of the Bhamsa drugs were also review some time ago to find the parallel between modern nanomedicine and ancient ayurvedic Bhasma (Adhikari, 2014). Thus, there is a sufficient background information and nalaytical skill in the research group to perform successfully the proposed research works. The proposed work is aimed at the investigation of physico-chemical structure as well as microbiological and cytotoxic properties of different Bhasmas. To elucidate the composition and structure of Bhasma. To see the positive effect of components, present in Bhasma. To study the toxicity of Bhasma on microorganisms and cell lines. To bridge the gap between modern medicine and traditional medicine practice. The research will begin with detail literature survey to eliminate the possibility of duplication and to determine possibility of conflict of interest. The commercial Bhasma will be collected and sample preparation will be done in accordance to the availability of Bhasma in the market while strictly following the procedure described in the Ayurvedic books. Pertinent physical and chemical properties will be studied and the sample will be sent for characterization. X-Ray Diffraction, Optical Microscopy, Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopic Analysis will be performed. After characterization, based on the composition, the proper solvent for the drugs to enter the cell will be selected. Biological assay will then be carried out according to standard protocol. The assays include anti-microbial, cytotoxicity and antidiabetic. The obtained results of all above tests will be compile and analyzed manually or using computer software wherever applicable. The report will then be prepared. The ab ove process is illustrated in the flowchart below. The research plan including the anylytical procedure is depicted in Scheme 1. Scheme 1: Flowsheet depicting the analytical and research plan for the proposed work à à à à It has been proved by earlier studies that the Bhasmas prepared after using standard protocol should reveal nanoparticles which are thus expected to show anti-microbial activity against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. It is the topic to explorer the opportunities that the Bhasmas might exhibit pharmaceutical potentiality against cancer, diabetic and HIV/ AIDS. This study is expected to deliver the following outcome after completion of the works. Provide necessary scientific foundation for structure and composition of the Bhasmas. This study may be able to clarify the issue of contradiction related to the statement telling Ayurvedic formulations with heavy metals are toxic to health. The study will deliver the structure-antibacterial properties correlations of very important traditional medicinal practice of the country. Limitations This study does not cover any Ayurvedic formulation based on herbs and animals. This research does not include detail mechanism of action of the Bhasmas on tested parameters. This work does not associate in any way to the psychological, psychiatric and social impacts that might arrive after the use of Bhasmas. Delimitations This project will bring Ayurveda from supplemental medicine to main stream treatment practice. This work may change the notion that heavy metals in all form are detrimental to health. The facilities available in the laboratory in the REACST will be primarily sufficient for performing major part of the study. Some of the samples have to be sent to other laboratories. This study associates with a variety of people who have been working with Bhasmas as family business for many generations. The result of this work, if contradicting with their practices, might affect their livelihood. The formulation of Bhasmas will be done in isolated condition using standard protocol and also focus to minimize metal hazards during study. This project does not incorporate all the aspects of heavy metals impact in body. Thus, any action based solely on this work might cause on foreseen effects. S.N Task to be done Tentative time 1 Literature review 8 weeks 2 Chemical and instrument collection 4 weeks 3 Commercial sample collection 4 weeks 4 Sample preparation 16 weeks 5 Characterization 16 weeks 6 Biological Assay Antimicrobial test 4 weeks Cytotoxicity (Anti-cancer) 6 weeks Anti-diabetic 10 weeks 7 Data Analysis 8 weeks 8 Preparation of initial draft of report 8 weeks 9 Finalization of report 12 weeks Total Time 96 weeks = 1 year 10 month Estimated Budget S. No. Title Amount (Rs.) 1. Chemical Formulation Rs. 30,000/- Antimicrobial test Rs. 30,000/- Cytotoxicity test Rs. 40,000/- Antidiabetics test Rs. 40,000/- 2. Instruments Rs. 1,50,000/- 3. Commercial Sample Rs. 10,000/- 4. Transportation and Courier for Characterization Rs. 40,000/- 5. Stationary and Logistics Rs. 30,000/- 6. Miscellaneous (printing, binding, communications etc.) Rs. 20,000/- 7. Laboratory chemicals Rs. 60,000/- Total Rs. 4,50,000/- Today nano-medicine is emerging as new revolution worldwide and has several promises. The exploration of nano-formulations in medical field has made us to dream of several opportunities. The study of the Bhasmas will help to gain those goals. There is higher chance of innovation of new drugs by mixing the indigenous knowledge with modern technology of drug discovery and delivery. These efforts on Bhasmas are directed toward finding solution to crucial issues of infectious disease and in particular tackling with more vulnerability the comeback of diabetics, HIV/AIDS and the devastating spread of cancer in world. However, more effort has to be done to uplift the potentiality of Bhasmas to that of modern nanodrugs. More research is desirable which explore the co-relation between structural nature and mechanism associated with their therapeutic activity. This study can provide pathway to enhance the use of traditional Ayurvedic medicine and helps to preserve the traditional knowledge. References à à Adhikari, R. (2014). Ayurvedic Bhasmas: Overview on Nanomaterialistic Aspects, Applications, and Perspectives. Infectious Diseases and Nanomedicine I, 23-32. doi:10.1007/978-81-322-1777-0_3 Barve, M., Mashru, M., Jagtap, C., Pargiri, B. J., Prajapati, P. K. (2011). Therapuetic potentials of metals in ancient India: A review through Charaka Samhita. Journal of Ayurveda and Intregative Medicine, 2(2), 55-63. Retrieved from Dobrovolskaia, M. A., McNeil, S. E. (2007). Immunological properties of engineered nanomaterials. Nature nanotechnology, 2(8), 469-478. doi:10.1038/nnano.2007.223 Formulation, c. a.-m. (2014). Rasheed, Arun; Naik, Madhu; Haneefa, Kotappadath Pillanayil Mohammed; Kumar, Raveendran Pillai Arun; Azeem, Abdul Kharim. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci, 27(4), 793-800. Retrieved from Kapoor, R. C. (2010). Some observations on the metal-based preparations in Indian systems of medicine. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 9(3). Retrieved from Khan, M. S., Vishakante, G. D., Siddaramaiah, H. (2013). Gold nanoparticles: a paradigm shift in biomedical applications. Advances in colloid and interface science, 199, 44-58. doi:10.1016/j.cis.2013.06.003 Krishnamachary, B., Rajendran, N., Pemiah, B., Krishnaswamy, S., Krishnan, U. M., Sethuraman, S., Sekar, R. K. (2012). Scientific validation of the different purification steps involved in the preparation of an Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Lauha bhasma. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 142(1), 98-104. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2012.04.021 Kumar Pal, S. (2015). The Ayurvedic Bhasma: The Ancient Science of Nanomedicine. Recent Patents on Nanomedicine, 5(1), 12-18. Nagarajan, S. a., Rajan, K., Krishnan, U., Sethuraman, S. (2014). Scientific insights in the preparation and characterisation of a lead-based naga bhasma. Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 76(1), 38-45. Retrieved from Panta, P, Bhandari, T. R, Lamsal B., and Adhikari, R. unpublished results (2017) Patra, C. R., Bhattacharya, R., Mukhopadhyay, D., Mukherjee, P. (2010). Fabrication of gold nanoparticles for targeted therapy in pancreatic cancer. Advanced drug delivery reviews, 62(3), 346-361. doi:10.1016/j.addr.2009.11.007 Patwardhan, B., Mashelkar, R. A. (2009). Traditional medicine-inspired approaches to drug discovery: Can Ayurveda show the way forward. Drug discovery today, 14(15), 804-811. doi:10.1016/j.drudis.2009.05.009 Sangale, M. D., Suryawanshi, M., Chikate, C., Khot, R. (2014). Comparative studies and analysis of Jasandand Nag bhasma prepared by different Ayurvedic pharmaceuticals. International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, 2(4). Retrieved from Sarkar, P. K., Das, S., Prajapati, P. K. (2010). Ancient concept of metal pharmacology based on Ayurvedic literature. Ancient science of life, 29(4), 1-6. Shubha, S. H., Hiremath, R. S. (2010). Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of Rasaka Bhasma. AYU: An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda, 31(2), 260-262. Wadekar, M. P., Rode, C. V., Bendale, Y. N., Patil, K. R., Prabhune, A. A. (2005). Preparation and characterization of a copper based Indian traditional drug: Tamra bhasma. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 39(5), 951-955. doi:10.1016/j.jpba.2005.06.015 Association to national Priority Ayurvedic drugs are indigenous technology of Nepal. The practice incorporates a wide variety of social groups during the raw material collection, purification, processing, delivery and prescription of medicine. Moreover, the need of raw materials opens door to industrial and entrepreneur investment. The work we have proposed thus can impact a variety of national priority which will be described in detail below Bhasma is found to have significant effect on the cure of tuberculosis. They are also expected to cure diabetes, cancer and other non-communicable diseases. The reduction of these communicable and non-communicable disease is a part of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). The formulations studied in our work can play a major role in meeting the SDG as well as in improving the health indicators not covered in SDG but is a common health problem in Nepal such as rheumatic and skin disease [SDG] The production and dissemination of Bhasma is a multi-step process requiring a variety of manpower. It demands unskilled manpower for labor works necessary in all steps, semi-skilled manpower for the production and distribution of medicines as well as skilled manpower like doctors, chemists, administrators to supervise the whole operation. Hence understanding and commercialization of Bhasma can significantly contribute to employ not only local manpower but also help bring back the manpower currently outside Nepal. Bhasma is unquestionably the local intellectual property of Nepal which requires protection before it becomes the victim of modern medicine hegemony and foreign trademark. This work will be a step to the documentation, standardization and recognition of the ancient knowledge which is not yet accepted as a scientific truth. Understanding and patenting the rights in the country will prevent local knowledge from being foreign property. This project is also a step towards proper documentation and preservation of rare and endangered books. Preparation of Bhasma is a traditional example of top-down nanofabrication. Nanoscience and nanotechnology is a burning research field. However, only a handful of work has been done in this field. Government as well as private investors are reluctant to investment on nanoscience. This project can be an invitation to industries as well as academia to focus on nanomaterial synthesis and use to solution of everyday problem.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Kafkas Metamorphosis Essay -- Metamorphosis essays
Kafka's Metamorphosis "As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect" (Kafka 1757). This opening is famous not only for its startling content but also for its calm, matter-of-fact style which then sets the tone for the rest of the story. Along with Homer's Iliad and Odyssey and Dante's Inferno, Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" has one of the most-memorized and most attention-catching opening lines. Gregor Samsa feels that he has been treated as a lowly insect and comes to feel that he is one; the story makes the leap from "I feel like an insect" to "I am an insect." Whatever the causes for Gregor feeling this way, these causes have led to his isolation and alienation (the feeling of being a stranger and an alien, even in those places where one should feel at home). Gregor has undergone an ultimate alienation: he is alienated from both his psychological and physical self. Once Gregor's metamorphosis (change) has been accomplished, the story moves inevitably to his death. In many ways, the protagonist (main character) of "The Metamorphosis" and his dilemmas are... ..., his company). We feel a chill to see the authoritarian control over Gregor and how it works itself out in the story. And those of us who know the history of Germany and Czechoslovakia are chilled to see how the events of the story find a parallel in the Nazi politics and the Holocaust that came soon after Kafka's death. Work Cited Kafka, Franz. "The Metamorphosis." Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Ed. Maynard Mack et al. 2 vols. Exp. ed. New York: Norton, 1995. Vol. 2. 1757-1791.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Romantic :: essays research papers
When you hear the term "Romanticism", wouldnââ¬â¢t you think of something that has to do with romance? That is what I thought when I first heard the word, but I was foolishly mistaken. Romanticism dealt with placing central importance upon the emotions and upon the individual. This time period only lasted about thirty years but greatly changed the and influenced the country in which we live in today. In the following composition, I will discuss the ideas of Romanticism and three famous writers of this time and their distinct subjects.The United States condensed as a nation during the major cultural change distinguished by the shift from classicism to Romanticism. This change had an impact on every aspect of culture including arts, philosophy, education and science.Before all this even happened, an earlier belief known as "Classicism" was around. This unhealthy culture put reason as their dominating characteristic of nature and were also bound by strict unchang ing laws by the government. Now, who would want to live under this dull inexpressible culture? Well, the early Puritans were part of this "Age of Reason" and many a good man came out of this era. Anyway, it was time for change. People wanted to start believing in themselves more and having a greater sense or nationalism. This is where Romanticism came in and replaced classicism. It was the beginning of a new era and initiated a whole new way of thinking. Romanticism basically dealt with three attitudes: Nature, the past, and the inner world of human nature. Although the early Romantic writers varied widely in the forms that they chose, these certain subjects were characteristics or Romantic attitudes.The writer who mainly told about nature was William Cullen Bryant. He became the first national spokesperson for a new religion of nature in which nature serves as a source of moral and spiritual lessons.One of his famous poems, "To a Waterfowl", tells of the journey of a waterfowl during migration and relates that to the path in which we as humans take in our lives. He also incorporates some religious attitudes in his works as well and you can see this at the end of "To a Waterfowl" when he tells you that "God will lead your steps aright" Washington Irving was a fine example of telling about the past. He wrote many a folk tales.In the short story "The Devil and Tom Walker" he Americanizes the devil and gives him qualities that are carried on with him for generations.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Blancheââ¬â¢s Madness Essay
Blanche DuBois in Tennesse Williamââ¬â¢s A Streetcar Named Desire suffers from living in a culture dominated by men, the human condition of desire and the insecurity and madness that follow; sexuality and her self-pressure to maintain self worth are the source of her cast off from society. The madness is launched when she loses her money, family, husband, job, and continues to lose her youthful appearance. Blancheââ¬â¢s insanity can be deemed acceptable from the surface because of her losses, but the way in which Blanche handles her situation oozes insecurity and hints that the loss of sanity is inevitable in Blanche; her insecurity stems from her dependence on men and hergluttony to fulfill her whims which escalates to societyââ¬â¢s lack of acceptance. A true sign of extreme insecurity in Blanche is her creation of a false, dignified persona based on lies. She builds herself a world of fantasy to escape from the troubles that surround her. A symbol of this in the play is the paper lantern Blanche places over the ââ¬Å"bare lightbulbâ⬠(Willaims 42). She tells Stanley ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s only a paper moon, just as phony as it can be ââ¬â but it wouldnââ¬â¢t be make-believe if you believed in me! â⬠(Williams 100). The light bulb of the lamp signifies Blancheââ¬â¢s inner essence and the ââ¬Å"paper moonâ⬠is the artificial personality she lays on top of herself. This is mainly in attempts to receive compliments and thus assurance of self from the men around her. She goes so far as to admit she was ââ¬Å"fishing for a complimentâ⬠(Williams 89) from Stanley. Blancheââ¬â¢s total inability to reassure herself is a piece in the puzzle of her impending madness, and a sign of the male dominated and run society of the 1950ââ¬â¢s. The human condition involves attachment and therefore desire; this is a major factor in Blancheââ¬â¢s regression process that she cannot control. Both Stella and Blanche desire freedom, beauty, love and most of all, sex. To satisfy her desire Blanche puts forth her sexuality. As her regression thickens she festers and does not know ââ¬Å"how much longer [she] can turn the trickâ⬠(Williams 79) a fact that propels her insanity. Blancheââ¬â¢s encroaching on the young man and exclaiming ââ¬Å"it would be nice to keep you, but Iââ¬â¢ve got to be goodââ¬âand keep my hands of childrenâ⬠(Williams 84) is one of the ignals of her desire to remain young and relive her teenage bliss, which also propels her downfall. Blanche pines for an escape from the financial and personal woes she has created for herself; the only road she sees to escape is with a man. Blanche uses her sexuality to reassure herself and head for an escape. This is another example of Blancheââ¬â¢s inability to care for herself and to become accepting of her situation without a man in the picture. She says ââ¬Å"I want to deceive him enough to make himââ¬âwant meâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Williams 81). This statement from Blanche provides insight on her insecurity and dependence on a man to rescue her. Williamââ¬â¢s uses a dash and an ellipsis in her statement to create the uncertainty of her speech. Mitch and Blanche are not compatible but Blanch desperately seeks an escape from the difficult circumstances of her life. Even when Blanche is being taken away she refuses to listen to the Matron but says to the male doctor ââ¬Å"I have always depended on the kindness of strangersâ⬠(Williams 142). Blancheââ¬â¢s final vision consists of a male taking her to safetyââ¬âor rescuing her, because she cannot rescue herself. This could be seen as rational, however, because the doctor is a licensed professional and Blanche has suffered through a difficult time. Blanche is in fact shrouded with insecurity and immaturity, but through her the loss of her plantation and job this could be deemed reasonable. She has nothing left in the world, and due to the time period the only way out she sees is with men. While she is floundering between her losses she turns to her sexual desires to keep herself afloat. Blanche could have handled her situation with more grace, but her madness could be seen as reasonable on the surface.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Krispy Kreme Essay
Krispy Kreme has been in the doughnut business for over 64 years and has been a specialty retailer for doughnuts from the very beginning. Krispy Kreme implements a differentiation strategy, attempting to distinguish their donuts based on taste, quality and simplicity. The companyââ¬â¢s goal since its infancy has been to satisfy customers by providing a unique experience. This bold strategy has differentiated them from their competition and created a competitive advantage. Customers are allowed to see how the doughnuts are made through the Doughnut Theatre then served the newly baked treats hot and fresh. The bright neon light that shines from every Krispy Kreme location reads ââ¬Å"Hot Doughnuts Now,â⬠is one of Krispy Kremeââ¬â¢s key marketing strategies. When this sign is lit up, customers know that they will get fresh doughnuts that have just been made. Krispy Kreme provides Code of Ethics which covers a wide range of business practices and procedures. It focuses on recognizing, dealing and reporting any ethical issues. Krispy Kremeââ¬â¢s commitment to social responsibility shines through their fundraising program, which offers three different ways of raising profit for your school or organization. Krispy Kreme has assisted non-profit organizations raise over 46 million through fundraising. Although Krispy Kreme has many competitive advantages, it has its disadvantages as well. The first is the extremely unhealthy nature of its products. By the time a person takes the first bite of their second Krispy Kreme donut, they have already exceeded the USDAââ¬â¢s recommended fat intake for the entire day. This is sure to turn off all consumers who have health concerns or are watching their weight. The second disadvantage is the single product concept and the lack of variety of Krispy Kreme products. Historical success for quick service type products revenue growth is slowest among any restaurant type. The product is not a necessity in hard times and external environmental conditions could hurt consumerââ¬â¢s willingness to buy. Krispy Kreme will encounter many indirect and direct challenges as it continues to increase its market share across the globe. Recent improvementsà in IT have reduced mistakes in distribution and lowered the amount of computer malfunctions, but there is still room for improvement. Krispy Kreme will have to continue to supply the baking technology to their new factory stores which will be costly. Communication, along with the distribution of production technology and needed ingredients to each individual store can be difficult. Preserving order will be possible only through identifying certain technologies that will assist in the process of distribution and communication. With the recent upgrades, the employees must be able to operate the new technology without experiencing problems that could damage consumer confidence in the company. Another challenge to Krispy Kreme is the lack of publicity through advertisements. Krispy Kreme depends solely on name recognition and reputation of its business. By choosing to not spend its money on commercials, they risk the chance of having no recognition in certain areas. Moreover, McDonald has a great relationship with its younger consumer base though its mascot and Starbucks has worked out deals with Barnes and Noble to have its coffee shops located inside the bookstore. This way people do not just have to get their coffee and leave, they can relax and read at the same time. Krispy Kreme offers none of these benefits. One of the major problems in their current strategy is that they do not have different approaches in their marketing at all. They do not factor in age or demographics in their methods. No matter what area Krispy Kreme is located, everything will be exactly the same. Finally, growth may cause Krispy Kreme to become less attractive as they become more mainstream. Krispy Kreme may want to slow their growth in location to maintain the authenticity and exclusiveness associated with high quality products. As a universal product and a global brand Krispy Kreme considers its market as truly anyone and anywhere. This concept allows the company to move ahead with their proved business model in all markets. Although some markets willà be more successful than others, in my opinion Canada will emerge as the success story for Krispy Kreme. The Canadian market is more accustomed to the idea of having a donut as breakfast or a snack item versus other foreign markets. Although Canada has Tim Hortons as a popular donut shop, Tim Hortons is not famous for their donuts. Moreover, Canada is similar to the U.S. market in terms of demographics and this will play a great role in its success. References 1. Lamars Donuts News. October 25, 2002. (05/20/04) 2. Krispy Kreme Homepage. (05/21/04) 3. ââ¬Å"Case Study: Krispy Kreme Doughnutsâ⬠. Corechange. (05/20/04) 4. ââ¬Å"Krispy Kreme Announces storeâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ October 31, 2002. PR News Wire. (05/20/04) 5. ââ¬Å"Krispy Kreme word-of-mouth tacticsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ October 21, 2002 Brandweek. V43.p9 (05/20/04) 6. (05/21/04) 7. Miller, Beth. ââ¬Å"The New Doughnut Dynamicâ⬠. St. Louis Business Journal (05/20/04)
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Reaction Paper on SONA 2014 Essay
There were many highlights on the recent SONA President Benigno S. Aquino stated last July 28, 2014 and these are the 3 things that intrigued me the most: Under the controversial DAP, PNoy said that around P1.6 billion fund was given to Training-for-Work Scholarship Program of TESDA. A total of 223,615 beneficiaries have graduated with an equivalent of 146,731 graduates currently working. I would say I really applauded him for his insights on education. True, Education is very important in every country. A country consists of people, now if those people are mostly illiterate what do you think would the country become of? And yes, after spending a couple of pesos to those students through scholarships, how much do you think those students would pay for their taxes when the will graduate and have their own jobs? see more:sona 2017 reaction paper The ugly side of this though is the reaction of COA and politics involvement. Did you know that according to COA these amounts were not fully utilized by the agency, casting doubt on Aquinoââ¬â¢s figures. COA said that out of the P1.1 billion funds from DAP obtained by TESDA in 2011 for TWSP, only 92.47% was utilized. Now how about that?! People and even projects are not perfect. When will they accept that?! I am still thankful though because at least he is showing positive numbers and facts. President Benigno S. Aquino III, during his 5th State of the Nation Address (SONA) on Monday, cited attainments in the countryââ¬â¢s aviation industry as having contributed to the countryââ¬â¢s steady economic growth the past year. First on the list of citations was when the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) last March 2013 lifted the significant safety concerns it had previously issued for the Philippines.In the same year, the European Union lifted its ban on Philippine Airlines, allowing it to fly once again to Europe. But with the improved aviation system, President Aquino said, Filipinos can now fly directly from Manila to London. President Aquino also welcomed the FAAââ¬â¢s decision to upgrade the Philippinesââ¬â¢ aviation status back to Category 1. He said that because of this upgrade, it is likely that thereà will also be an increase in routes going to the United States ââ¬Å"The increase in flights of our local airlines to the United States and participating countries in the EU is a big help to both tourism and business,â⬠the President said in his speech. I am also thankful for this one. Philippines being an accessible country worldwide is a Go Go ! what I meant is its a definite plus for us if we donââ¬â¢t spend too much on connecting flights just for us to get to our destination. I not sure if ever you experienced connecting flights before and I really hope youd never do . Because, Oh my! it is such a hassle with time and money. Imagine you being excited but you need stopovers, sleeping in the airport just catch the earliest flight to your destination and pray to GOD the weather will cooperate or else youââ¬â¢re stuck! Meanwhile, President Aquino also pointed out how the countryââ¬â¢s hosting of the World Economic Forum on East Asia this year was a huge success, showing the world the countryââ¬â¢s capacity in business.ââ¬Å"â⬠¦With the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Summit the Philippines will be hosting next year, we will be able to inform even more people of our progress, and the opportunities that this has opened up for all,â⬠he said. This is my biggest concern of them all. I hope he will exert more effort on this one. As a regular consumer I donââ¬â¢t see myself having a positive sides on this one. Yes I know we are eventually experiencing Mother Natureââ¬â¢s reminders on how we should take care of the resources she has given. But by God! even the spices that is very common and needed in every household (ex: GARLIC ââ¬â my favourite spice with chicken) costs too much. Including our staple food which is rice. This one needs to be alleviated! Remember County c onsists of People, People needs Education but most of all it needs to FOOD in order to survive!
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